Lucha Bros officially sign with WWE

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Mar 3, 2015
They should be in the top of the tag team division every year. Just how WWE treats the USOs.

Lucha’s tag team cage match for the titles against the Elite was one of the best I’ve seen in years. The crowd was hot all match too.

marvin eats men

Active Member
Aug 23, 2024
They weren't really wasted talent, in my opinion anyways.

Every single time they'd win the belts or get any amount of momentum, Rey Phoenix would break an arm or something else. Or when they were a trios team with Pac, but Pac would either be injured or just not want to travel so he'd be off TV for months at a time. They were given plenty of opportunities but couldn't stay available.

Penta's singles run on the other hand left more to be desired. He was easily one of the more over guys in the company at one point and he'd just lose clean to anybody and everybody. Never made any sense to me.


Active Member
Jun 14, 2021
Loved them in AEW, but it did feel they deserved better. One of the matches that really got me into AEW was them vs the Young Bucks a couple of years ago. I saw it and thought this is so much better than anything that WWE was putting out. Hope they succeed in the big show.


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
There is not a single tag team in all of WWE that's anywhere close to the Lucha Bros. They should come in, unify the belts, and run roughshot on absolutely everyone.

Also - for the love of all that's holy, puhhhlleeeaaaaaassssseeeeee Triple H, give us Lucha Underground era Pentagon Dark.


Nerd of Nerds
Aug 13, 2024
Apparently they are legally still under contract with AEW. Nothing official yet over just a couple days it goes from "They already signed a multi-year deal, and WWE is already making their merch" to "no they aren't signed."

Whomever "broke" that story has some 'splainin' to dooooo...