General NATO prepares plan for huge casualties in case of war against Russia this decade

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Posting Machine
Nov 14, 2015
He said an attack that poses a “critical threat” to the sovereignty of Russia, if carried by a non-nuclear power with the “participation or support of a nuclear power” would be considered a “joint attack on the Russian Federation”.

“We will consider such a possibility when we receive reliable information about a massive launch of air and space attack assets and them crossing our state border,” Putin added, listing “strategic and tactical aircraft, cruise missiles, drones, hypersonic and other flying vehicles”.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
We know from records we reviewed during that brief moment of friendship with Russia that the Soviets 1) were very paranoid and interpreted everything as the prelude to a nuclear strike and 2) they had a much lower threshold for the use of nuclear weapons than we believed. What makes anyone sure that the Russian government is any different?


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
I grew up with air raid drills at school and siren tests last Sunday of the month.
Were raised to expect the Russians to nuke us at any minute.


Custom title
Jun 24, 2022
I watched a video, some historian type, anyway, he was talking about how Ukraine is the stage for the new evolution of combat like WW1 was. When WW1 started they were using horses and when it ended it obviously had gone past that. These drones are being pumped out dirt ass cheap using Chinese budget 3D printers and can cause massive amounts of damage. They can drop munitions, ram into people and planes/helicopters, etc. I imagine we soon see them causing small scale EMP blasts. What about emitting eardrum shattering sounds, blinding light... Think of the possibilities you can do with a $1000 flying speed demon, of which you can create thousands of in a very short amount of time.

Uncle Tom Doug

Official TMMAC Racist
Jun 24, 2022
Isn't NATO full of diversity hires?

I'm all for mass casualties, but I have doubts that russia can actually pull them off.

Uncle Tom Doug

Official TMMAC Racist
Jun 24, 2022
Russia has a long history of mass casualties in wars, the deaths on their side are astronomical.
That's because their only military tactic is a wall of meat. Their military leadership has been absolutely retarded a long time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
The problem is that in World War II, the average Soviet woman had eight children. Today, the average Russian woman has less than two.


Posting Machine
Aug 13, 2024
The one small comfort is that if Russia did try a nuclear strike, given their recent track record, they'd likely end up radiating themselves when those ICBMs explode in their silos or drop out of the sky onto their own population centers:

It's the logical consequence of corruption and incompetence hollowing out every strata of their society. America's doing it's very best to catch up with them on the way down, though.

Unfortunately, it only takes a few getting through to rack up body counts that would rival the 6 years of WWII. No one comes out a winner. Sad commentary that our existence relies on the current crop of "leaders" not succumbing to the Prisoner's Dilemma. We're all equally fucked.