General The real purpose of DEI

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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
Something I've been chewing on lately. Most of us have a surface reaction to DEI being just another iteration of affirmative action. That the worst the Didn't Earn Its are is incompetent. I think that's taking it too lightly.

Anyone who grew up in communism or had family that did, can smell the stench of Marxism no matter what flag it drapes over itself. They've failed entirely in the economic theater, but that hasn't discouraged them one bit. It just hasn't been done right every time, you see. These neo-Marxists just swapped economic classes for racial classes and are using the same tactics that worked for them in 20th century. Because underneath it all, it's about power and inverting the paradigm of that power to see them on top.

These DEI initiatives are another iteration of the Long March Through the Institutions:


The DEI commissars they're positioning in universities, government/military agencies, and corporations aren't being placed there due to their "marginal status." They're being placed because down to every person they're ideologically committed. Some of them are no doubt true believing useful idiots, but all of them will walk in lockstep because they know it's the only reason they have a salary that they're undeserving of in the first place.

If you've seen Chernobyl, there's a scene that captures the Communist utopia perfectly:


It doesn't matter that the bloated idiot doesn't know the first thing about what he's in charge of, the only thing that matters is that he will readily agree to whatever opinion he's given by those in charge. He's proud of his incompetence.

When these institutional chokepoints have been thoroughly undermined, our Constitution will not be worth the paper it's printed on, because they will control all the levers of power. What good is this particular law:

When this is allowed to happen:

Particularly when this parasite has already done untold damage to our country in funding DA's who are doing their best to undermine our society by allowing criminality to run rampant in the name of "progressivism."

They want to rattle the bedrock of our society and position themselves as the only solution to the problem they themselves have created.

The moderate left, and they do exist, are under the illusion that it's better to have the far left than the moderate right in power. If any of them picked up a history book--and they wouldn't need to go further back than the 20th century--they would understand that when the extremists get in power, their first order of business isn't their ideological opposites, it's the moderates on their side of the political spectrum. They will ruthlessly kill anyone who offers a moderate alternative to their plans, because there can be no alternatives with authoritarians.

And no group pisses me off more than the GOP. Until a political outsider came to power, they were content to meekly let them take inch after inch after inch, so long as they got their thirty pieces of silver. Where are the universities being funded by wealthy conservatives? Where are the media companies not named Fox or Newsmax? Where are the NGOs? Why is it that a political party that claims to fight for this country is no where to be found when there's a fight to be had?

The only way I see any reversal of this downward slide is for a third political party to be something other than a joke, and the people that vote for it never miss a day at the polls and vote down the line at the local, state, and federal levels. So long as there are cracks for them to weasel into and bide their time, they'll keep trying.

I know, preaching to the choir, FRAT, and all that. Just wanted this dumped out of my head for once.


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Wokeness indeed has it's roots in early revolutionary period Soviet Russia. The Russians are horrified by what they see going on in the West because it echoes their own troubled past. President Putin touched on this disturbing fact in his brilliant annual address and question period at the Valdai Discussion Club in 2021.

This begs for a thread of it's own and any man not as lazy as yours truly would probably oblige.

As it is, jump to 24:00 ;)



Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
Wokeness indeed has it's roots in early revolutionary period Soviet Russia. The Russians are horrified by what they see going on in the West because it echoes their own troubled past. President Putin touched on this disturbing fact in his brilliant annual address and question period at the Valdai Discussion Club in 2021.

This begs for a thread of it's own and any man not as lazy as yours truly would probably oblige.

As it is, jump to 24:00 ;)

The only legal handguns allowed in public are handguns using rubber bullets, and may be used for the purposes of self-defense. The only exception to this federal law are commemoration pistols, which have special engravings, and these can only be gifted by government officials for acts of heroism.


Nerd of Nerds
Aug 13, 2024
Americans were too comfortable and prosperous for communism's class struggle to resonate. So the commies switched to race/gender for their oppression struggle.


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
The only legal handguns allowed in public are handguns using rubber bullets, and may be used for the purposes of self-defense. The only exception to this federal law are commemoration pistols, which have special engravings, and these can only be gifted by government officials for acts of heroism.
That's fucking horrible.


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Americans were too comfortable and prosperous for communism's class struggle to resonate. So the commies switched to race/gender for their oppression struggle.
And they legit hate the working class. You could sense that about them in the sixties.

I think there probanly still is an audience out there for class struggle.