General Nöthin' But a Good Time: The Uncensored Story of '80s Hair Metal

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Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
Its pretty funny, but I remember being a dirtbag skater kid and seeing those guys at school and thinking "how do their dad's let them out of the house like that?" And of course "why?".

I completely didn't get it. Skin tight jeans and poofy hair bigger than the chick's.

I did like the rocker chick's, they were slutty and fun sometimes. But I just didn't understand the dudes in RATT shirts, lol.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
Its pretty funny, but I remember being a dirtbag skater kid and seeing those guys at school and thinking "how do their dad's let them out of the house like that?" And of course "why?".

I completely didn't get it. Skin tight jeans and poofy hair bigger than the chick's.

I did like the rocker chick's, they were slutty and fun sometimes. But I just didn't understand the dudes in RATT shirts, lol.
The poofy hair reminded me of this


Bungee up

Active Member
Jun 25, 2022
That whole scene was faggy as fuck but there will never be another appetite album ever. There was talent back then and talent was rewarded.

Now it makes me think there was a gay agenda pushed back then that was mostly unsuccessful but now they are trying a different approach. They have always want this gay shit pushed on the kids.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Loved that music. Still do.

It is crazy that many of the bands were effectively cross-dressers. I can't believe my Dad never said shit about it.

But I never grew out my hair. I was a flannel-wearing punk with a buzz cut. I was basically grunge before there was grunge - and, ironically, I didn't immediately like the grunge bands like PJ and Nirvana. They eventually grew on me, but at the time I loved the Big Hair metal much more.

I will definitely check this doc out.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Such awesome music, such gay looking dudes.
Rock of ages, dichotomy of history.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
That was a risky era. Bumming around the mall, drinking your Orange Julius, when you spot the backside of a chick with an amazing ass, flowing hair Aquanetted to perfection, in these skin tight acid wash jeans. Then she turns around and it's your friend Mike.