General Israel has succeeded in pulling America into WWIII

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Custom title
Jun 24, 2022
To be honest, WW3 is the only way for the US and some of the G7 to retain their dominance and to slow BRICS.

China is making a long play for the deposits in Africa, but with their inverted age pyramid and looming real estate bubble soon to pop, I am not sure they can hold on long enough to reap the benefits of their moves there. We are already working on Russia obviously, China is in rough shape, Brazil/South Africa is whatever, and India is effectively Switzerland 2.0.

So I think backing Israel and reaffirming a foothold in the ME, draining Russia of resources through a proxy war in eastern Europe, cutting the map in half from China to Africa, and we have the recipe for a global hot war that buys us another 50-75 years.


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
We don't got money to help the Hurricane victims but we sure do for immigrants and war..Fucking DISGUSTING!


Custom title
Jun 24, 2022
We don't got money to help the Hurricane victims but we sure do for immigrants and war..Fucking DISGUSTING!
The one thing that really became clear to me the last 4-5 years is that people in power do not give a fuck about "us", meaning the average joe. Now, I knew that to some extent for years, but I dont think I realized how bottomless it really was.

We are on a small planet, even smaller with the technology we possess in this modern age. Nothing has changed as far as the upper crust of leadership. Its all about power. That power comes from control of natural resources. The powerful will do anything and everything to secure it, including sacrifice large numbers of their own citizens to varying degrees, to gain a foothold if not full control over those resources. Every single war Ive seen develop over my lifetime confirms this.

We tell young soldiers they are fighting against evil but they arent, they are fighting so that our dominance can remain and so that we can gain and hold control over resources. Our government pays them like shit to do it on top of that.

Within our own borders we are the resource. Its the rat race. We are little piggies running around soaking up money so it can be taxed and so that we will purchase things we dont need, where we then pay more taxes. Hell, we even give it away in the form of donations so it can be harvested and used in ways it was not advertised. No other people in the history of the planet have been so good at working so hard to generate so much. That is all we are, human ATM's. Everyone outside of our borders is just simply in our way and are completely disposable.

Our existence is a nightmare and we are constantly surrounded by evil so depraved we do everything in our power to not see it. Drugs, alcohol, television, video games, you name it. The days pass by, we do our thing, we die, and then the next batch of humans picks up where we leave off.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Bungee up

Active Member
Jun 25, 2022
It was always going to be isreal if this happens.
People who support iseal , especially unconditionally are seriously fucked in the head.
They are clearly the one's in the wrong and have been gaslighting and bribing the fuck out of people for decades.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
This going to end like the fallout TV show aint going to be no ww3.