The box trucks turned into full-service tiny homes (bathroom, running water, full kitchen, etc) fascinate me. If it wasn't a *huge* box truck (like the bigguest U-haul), I think I could do that. It being too big of a truck would make it a huge pain in the ass unless you were towing separate transportation or had a small motorcyle on a rack.
The ones living out of campers with outside showers and shitting in a bucket or whatever...they all look like hippie bums.
It irks TF outta me when you see the ones with pets - 2-3 cats, a dog, etc. ESPECIALLY the ones not even living in a van, box truck, etc, but have just taken the back seat out of their Altima and sleep with their legs poking back into the truck.
And yes - a LOT of them are absolutely fake...especially the hot chick ones. They're like the chicks in yoga pants fishing, bushcrafting, etc.
Sure, you got a nice enough ass, but there is a less than zero chance you're sleeping in your back seat while going out & getting your nails done. Fuck off.