Ellen DeGeneres is reportedly leaving the US, headed to UK after Trump win
Comedian DeGeneres, who had backed Kamala Harris in the recent presidential election, has reportedly decamped to England's Cotswolds.
You’re probably onto something there. I honestly eschew delving deeply enough into pop culture to know too much about these people beyond the most superficial details. I actually used to kind of like Ellen as a comedian because her comedy wasn’t about being a lesbo. But I know practically nothing about her personal doings, who she parties with, etc. I know she caught shit from the leftards a few years back for actually interacting pleasantly with W at a ball game. Can’t really say I know much more about her.They aren't leaving due to any sort of grand signal of virtue they hope to achieve. They are running cause shit's about to get hot. The rest that made the claim and didn't run is cause their shit is luke warm in comparison.