12" long black double headed dildo?Please god give me@Fan_of_Fanboys , I have the perfect gift.
12" long black double headed dildo?Please god give me@Fan_of_Fanboys , I have the perfect gift.
Well thanks for ruining itA losing knife lottery entry?!
Jokes on you: I have an unlimited supply
Thank you for posting your likes and wants.I’d like a st pete prostitute please
Preferably Italian and stacked up top with a great ass…it’s not much too ask for and then we go our separate ways. Win win scenario
That'll get me through a long weekend at smiff's!So when we drawing this thing, I got to order the 55 gallon drum of lube for@Fan_of_Fanboys from amazon
add me
I'm not able to start a conversation with you. I'm guessing that is due to your user settings. I need your current mailing information. Please send it to me. And stop blocking me, you jerkface.I’m in
But no Yankee clothing is allowed
Your post is a bit unclear as to whether you want in or not. If so, I can't PM you likely due to your privacy settings.
You have significant issues sending pm’s. Could this be that most everyone has you blocked????Your post is a bit unclear as to whether you want in or not. If so, I can't PM you likely due to your privacy settings.
If you want in, please PM me your mailing info so I can add you to the list. It'd be great if you could post something about your likes, etc like all the other years this has been done here so your SS has an idea of what to get you.
I was just joking. I do not want in. To be clear.Your post is a bit unclear as to whether you want in or not. If so, I can't PM you likely due to your privacy settings.
If you want in, please PM me your mailing info so I can add you to the list. It'd be great if you could post something about your likes, etc like all the other years this has been done here so your SS has an idea of what to get you.
Enjoy your holidays.I was just joking. I do not want in. To be clear.
Enjoy brothers.
That's the plan. Nobody has dropped out so far, and there is still just under ten hours to sign up.Keep going
It’s a great effort on your part and is appreciated