They are just pissed that media other than the MSM wasn't sucking them off and praising them.
"Live by the gun, die by the gun"...
What a fucking circle jerk, lol. Fucking hell
It's literally like an SNL skitWhat a fucking circle jerk, lol. Fucking hell
What an idiotic viewpoint. Joe Biden is funding a war to kill people that look like me.
Are you a legal citizen or resident alien?
What an idiotic viewpoint. Joe Biden is funding a war to kill people that look like me.
The best is when they bitch about "separating families" as if that doesn't happen daily everywhere when someone commits a crime...Are you a legal citizen or resident alien?
If so, shut the fuck up
If not, get the fuck out
Its pretty fucking simple, hombre
I especially love the career and influence trajectory of Harris in recent years.
Harris is so good on shitty islam. That fag he's talking to is Timmy Miller who used to work for Jeb Mush and went full retard with TDS...I especially love the career and influence trajectory of Harris in recent years.
Try to find one thing in that picture that would be there if it wasn't for white men. You can't.
Absolutely disgusting. White liberal women are the scum of the earth...Must be rough for a white father to have daughters like that.