General RFK confirmation hearing live 10 AM

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Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
I still think he's going to be a problem within 2 years the second he doesn't get his way on something.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2024
I’m torn on RFK. I dig a lot of his stances but his views on vaccines are pretty retarded. I’m not even talking about the COVID vaccine. He is on the “vaccines cause autism” train and was receiving up to 20 grand a week from a top anti-vaccine organization.

I like that he wants to fight to keep Big Pharma accountable and wants to get shit ingredients out of our food. I just think he can do irreparable harm to an already vulnerable population.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I’m torn on RFK. I dig a lot of his stances but his views on vaccines are pretty retarded. I’m not even talking about the COVID vaccine. He is on the “vaccines cause autism” train and was receiving up to 20 grand a week from a top anti-vaccine organization.

I like that he wants to fight to keep Big Pharma accountable and wants to get shit ingredients out of our food. I just think he can do irreparable harm to an already vulnerable population.
"Vaccines" 1000% cause autism, & cancer.
If this is hard to accept, explain the billion % rise in both since the introduction of "vaccines".


Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
"Vaccines" 1000% cause autism, & cancer.
If this is hard to accept, explain the billion % rise in both since the introduction of "vaccines".
I am pro vaccine but antipharma. We just need to start using science for good instead of the opposite. As it stands, science is fucking dead. Someone needs to revive it. Idk if RFK is the answer but it sure ain't the murdering scumbags we got right now.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I am pro vaccine but antipharma. We just need to start using science for good instead of the opposite. As it stands, science is fucking dead. Someone needs to revive it. Idk if RFK is the answer but it sure ain't the murdering scumbags we got right now.
Are you sure that you are pro-"vaccine"?
There is a ginormous difference between pro science & pro "vaccine".

What's been peddled to us plebs, is that introducing small amounts of foreign virus can equip the body for when the "real" thing comes along.
That is insane, & has been proven scientifically exactly zero times.
That doesn't mean it can't happen.
It means it hasn't.

When there's a doubt, go back to the manufacturers, the scientists, they're contracts & employers.
Currently & forever, they've been manufacturers & creators of biological & chemical weapons since WW1.
And before that, the Khazarian mafie...the Romans...the Greeks.

If if prevents the flu 3 out of 4 times, but promotes cancer it a a net positive.
Population control is the aim, vaccines are THE game.
They kill and maim and take more resources than everything else put together.
They are the AR15, cluster munition, and minefields of "medicine", deliberately.


Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
Im a stupid man but are old plague like diseases something we are immune to now without vaccines? I know vaccines are filled with additives but you think there is no hope and we should just use medicine and immunities?


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Im a stupid man but are old plague like diseases something we are immune to now without vaccines? I know vaccines are filled with additives but you think there is no hope and we should just use medicine and immunities?
This was settled in the Nuremberg code of ethics.
Ancient plagues were no doubt weapons.
My ancestors came here for that reason.
This goes back to the Khazarian mafia & their sciences.
As a species, sunlight & natural antidotes abound, they are the answer.
The "cure" for novel coronavirus is in the sky & sidewalks, sun & dandelion greens, literally.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
I'm a pure blood and skeptical about certain things, but shit that's been working for longer than I've been alive ain't one.

Sincerely sorry about your daughter bro


Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
Yeah, after my brother got covid he was talked into the vaxx and it was too late. Only he and his wife knew. He later told me and it was too late. He was never the same and we lost him earlier this month. I lost my mom during the pandemic due to the shit show of poor Healthcare and lack of cancer screenings. They ignored us while she got sicker.

The anger and contempt I hold for the medical industry is just beyond words. I can only imagine how your feeling that happening to one of your children.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I'm a pure blood and skeptical about certain things, but shit that's been working for longer than I've been alive ain't one.
Has it though?
You haven't gotten polio, but that was eradicated before Jonas Salk.
It's no different than putting saline in your veins, calling it "Black Plague vaccine", then touting the absence of it proof of concept.
No different than religion & politics.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
People desperately need to study up on this.
The hospitals should be used for ER care, broken bones & emergent internal issues, & that's it.

This plandemic goes back in large part to the "affordable care act", aka "death panels".

Hospitals are death facilities 50% of the time.
People would be better off transitioning diet, sunlight, & natural medicines & age-old cures.
Grandma knew, eastern medicine knows, indigenous indians know.
The cure for spliced genework is in nature's adaptational ways.


Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
My grandmas lived till 80 and 95. I think nearly all of our generation's grandparents and past gens pretty much did. My granddads both died unnaturally and young lol. Their diets consisted of locally harvested veggies and what they could kill. They could not afford protein unless they harvested it. My theory is they want us dead before we can claim any benefits like social security. My sister and my brother both missed their retirements entirely.
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