General Texas Tower Sniper - Charles Whitman

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Active Member
Aug 25, 2024
Im just a bear but didnt he have head injuries from war or something? Thought I read that he probably had cte or something using today's technology. Like even the shooter himself was claming his brain was workiing different after his injuries. Maybe im confusing shooters. Not at all justifying his behavior.


Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
Im just a bear but didnt he have head injuries from war or something? Thought I read that he probably had cte or something using today's technology. Like even the shooter himself was claming his brain was workiing different after his injuries. Maybe im confusing shooters. Not at all justifying his behavior.
I hadn't heard anything about that, so I went to the almighty Wikipedia. Apparently it was a brain tumour you're thinking of:

During the autopsy, Dr. Chenar reported that he discovered a pecan-sized brain tumor,[60] above the red nucleus, in the white matter below the gray center thalamus,[61] which he identified as an astrocytoma with slight necrosis.


Following a three-hour hearing on August 5,[63] the commission concluded that Chenar's diagnosis of astrocytoma with a small amount of necrosis had been in error.[64] The panel instead found that the tumor had features of a glioblastoma multiforme, with widespread areas of necrosis, palisading of cells,[65] and a "remarkable vascular component" described as having "the nature of a small congenital vascular malformation". Psychiatric contributors to the report concluded that "the relationship between the brain tumor and [...] Whitman's actions [...] cannot be established with clarity. However, the [...] tumor conceivably could have contributed to his inability to control his emotions and actions".[66] The neurologists and neuropathologists were more circumspect, concluding that, "[t]he application of existing knowledge of organic brain function does not enable us to explain the actions of Whitman on August first."[67]

Forensic investigators have theorized that the tumor pressed against Whitman's amygdala, a part of the brain related to anxiety and fight-or-flight responses among numerous other functions.[68][69]


Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
There was something wrong mentally
But, that does not condone killing people