General AI will be our doom

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Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
The idea of humanity becoming enslaved by AI probably won't be due to some computer program becoming "self aware" or anything.

It'll be because AI will be used more and more for things essential to the day to day running of society - managing power networks, water systems, the logistics of food distribution etc. After some time we will become so reliant on AI, and AI will become so complex that humans can't truly understand how it functions (we are basically at that point already) - so that if these systems were to ever fail, there would be mass blackouts / water shortages / food shortages that could end up being catastrophic.

It's a much more insidious way of being enslaved, not the huge war against the machines predicted by many a sci-fi movie. Kind of like that story of putting a frog into a pan of cold water then putting it onto a stove, and it just sitting there and eventually being cooked as the temperature increases slowly.


First 200ish
Feb 9, 2015
The idea of humanity becoming enslaved by AI probably won't be due to some computer program becoming "self aware" or anything.

It'll be because AI will be used more and more for things essential to the day to day running of society - managing power networks, water systems, the logistics of food distribution etc. After some time we will become so reliant on AI, and AI will become so complex that humans can't truly understand how it functions (we are basically at that point already) - so that if these systems were to ever fail, there would be mass blackouts / water shortages / food shortages that could end up being catastrophic.

It's a much more insidious way of being enslaved, not the huge war against the machines predicted by many a sci-fi movie. Kind of like that story of putting a frog into a pan of cold water then putting it onto a stove, and it just sitting there and eventually being cooked as the temperature increases slowly.
Like the movie WALL-E


Posting Machine
Nov 18, 2023
All I truly got from this was how fast that lady in the video hit the wall. It doesn't seem like it was all that long ago that I last saw her and she was a lot more attractive fairly recently.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
All I truly got from this was how fast that lady in the video hit the wall. It doesn't seem like it was all that long ago that I last saw her and she was a lot more attractive fairly recently.
Shes gone completely insane over the last couple years. I often wonder when Saager is going to nope out of their partnership. She can't even make a coherent point these days, it's all just emotion and lots of cussing.
She is the embodiment of an unhappy liberal woman.


Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
The idea of humanity becoming enslaved by AI probably won't be due to some computer program becoming "self aware" or anything.

It'll be because AI will be used more and more for things essential to the day to day running of society - managing power networks, water systems, the logistics of food distribution etc. After some time we will become so reliant on AI, and AI will become so complex that humans can't truly understand how it functions (we are basically at that point already) - so that if these systems were to ever fail, there would be mass blackouts / water shortages / food shortages that could end up being catastrophic.

It's a much more insidious way of being enslaved, not the huge war against the machines predicted by many a sci-fi movie. Kind of like that story of putting a frog into a pan of cold water then putting it onto a stove, and it just sitting there and eventually being cooked as the temperature increases slowly.
Im just gonna throw water on it, anyway.