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Conspiracy Tsar

Active Member
Nov 7, 2024
If you think mayweather has an IQ of 40 your retarded. Because that's what he would score.
He'd score 85. His intellect is par for the course with the average negro.

40 IQ points is like bottom 0.003%. Down's syndrome people don't score that low. You'd have to be severely congenitally retarded or have been involved in an accident where you lost a decent amount brain mass to score that low.

Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
He'd score 85. His intellect is par for the course with the average negro.

40 IQ points is like bottom 0.003%. Down's syndrome people don't score that low. You'd have to be severely congenitally retarded or have been involved in an accident where you lost a decent amount brain mass to score that low.
It probably didn't come through in text but I was being sarcastic with the 40 number.
I dobut he would score an 85. Probably mid to low 70's. That's pure speculation though. This is a subject that can go deep and easily derail the thread.
A few of my main points are. 1)He would score lower than his actual intelligence.
2) " IQ science " is bullshit. The best clam to be made is there's a strong correlation between IQ and education.
3) ( and this is the main one that passes me off ) the vast majority , and I mean nearly all, of the IQ statistics are based off final exam scores in high school.
That's a big one for me. That just proves it's bullshit to me.
If anyone wants to argue a point then argue that one.
I could list more things but I'll leave it at that.
Something that pisses me off is people on the right having the the correct position on something but for the wrong reason.

Uncle Tom Doug

Official TMMAC Racist
Jun 24, 2022
It probably didn't come through in text but I was being sarcastic with the 40 number.
I dobut he would score an 85. Probably mid to low 70's. That's pure speculation though. This is a subject that can go deep and easily derail the thread.
A few of my main points are. 1)He would score lower than his actual intelligence.
2) " IQ science " is bullshit. The best clam to be made is there's a strong correlation between IQ and education.
3) ( and this is the main one that passes me off ) the vast majority , and I mean nearly all, of the IQ statistics are based off final exam scores in high school.
That's a big one for me. That just proves it's bullshit to me.
If anyone wants to argue a point then argue that one.
I could list more things but I'll leave it at that.
Something that pisses me off is people on the right having the the correct position on something but for the wrong reason.
If IQ is bullshit, explain Africa.

Conspiracy Tsar

Active Member
Nov 7, 2024
It probably didn't come through in text but I was being sarcastic with the 40 number.
I dobut he would score an 85. Probably mid to low 70's. That's pure speculation though. This is a subject that can go deep and easily derail the thread.
A few of my main points are. 1)He would score lower than his actual intelligence.

3) ( and this is the main one that passes me off ) the vast majority , and I mean nearly all, of the IQ statistics are based off final exam scores in high school.
That's a big one for me. That just proves it's bullshit to me.
If anyone wants to argue a point then argue that one.
I could list more things but I'll leave it at that.
Something that pisses me off is people on the right having the the correct position on something but for the wrong reason.
When IQ tests show you one thing, and reality shows you the exactly the same thing. What's your conclusion?

The reality: There's not a single black community in the entire planet that is prosperous and is not a shithole. You see this pattern repeating iself all over the globe, America, latin-america/Brazil, Europe, even China. Most of all Africa. The most backwards, poorest, most barbaric and anti-intellectual continent of all.

2) " IQ science " is bullshit. The best clam to be made is there's a strong correlation between IQ and education.
Modern civilization is about education, so what's your point? Blacks excel in athletics, dancing, singing, etc. Hunter-gatherer shit. The modern world is about mathematics, abstract thinking , computers. Stuff you need years of high education to excel. A higher IQ will enable you to pursue education to begin with. That's what these tests measure.

Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
When IQ tests show you one thing, and reality shows you the exactly the same thing. What's your conclusion?

The reality: There's not a single black community in the entire planet that is prosperous and is not a shithole. You see this pattern repeating iself all over the globe, America, latin-america/Brazil, Europe, even China. Most of all Africa. The most backwards, poorest, most barbaric and anti-intellectual continent of all.

Modern civilization is about education, so what's your point? Blacks excel in athletics, dancing, singing, etc. Hunter-gatherer shit. The modern world is about mathematics, abstract thinking , computers. Stuff you need years of high education to excel. A higher IQ will enable you to pursue education to begin with. That's what these tests measure.
My point is exactly that IQ is a measure of education, not intelligence. No more , no less.
That is in fact how they derive their IQ stat's.
Asians aren't more intelligent than whites. Yet they have way higher numbers.
The ability to hunt and gather food is absolutely dependent on intelligence and a lot , if not all theses high IQ fuckers on wall Street and liberal university would fail miserably. Even if they had their hand held and were walked through it step by step for decades.

These countries you mentioned are certainly fucked up and backwards. Most of them don't even have words for please and thank you let alone words to philosophise about the world around them. They could be transplanted into a situation where they are educated and within a few generations have the capacity to understand thing's on the same level as white's. ( note , I said a few generations).

Conspiracy Tsar

Active Member
Nov 7, 2024
There are tons of IQ stats that arent just extrapolations from HS scores/PISA Exams. IQ is nearly 100% genetic and immutable. Twin tests have proven that, one identical twin is adopted by a wealthy family and goes to a top school. While the other is adopted by a poor family and goes to a shitty school. Later when they get tested as adults they IQ scores are identical, this has been observed many times. If you think you could get someone like Mayweather or Crazy Horse and educate them in brain surgery or AI engineering you're delusional.

Bungee up

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
Twin tests have proven that, one identical twin is adopted by a wealthy family and goes to a top school. While the other is adopted by a poor family and goes to a shitty school. Later when they get tested
I'm totally aware of the twin tests and I don't disagree with it.
In fact if my argument has a week link that's it.
I think there's something about genetics we don't fully understand or acknowledge.
Let's take your example of mayweather or crazy horse. If they were to grow up with excellent education would they be brainsurgons. Probably not likely. What about if their kids and grandchildren receive excellent education and their parents are of equal IQ /ethnicity. I think they definitely would be capable of that and those kids would be Ben Carson level smart.
I don't think anyone can adapt to any environment. But I do believe they can within a few generations totally independent of race.

( slight tangent ) I don't think the earth is flat and the moon is it's own light source but there is clearly something about the photon that scientists do not understand and worse yet , don't even acknowledge they don't understand it.
I see this area of IQ the same way.

To put it another way. Do we really have to do a study to know the results of , if you take a random community of blacks with low IQ scores and give them high level education and not a poor environment are their IQs going to be much , much higher in 3 generation's? Of course they are , they would be comparable to any other high IQ race if not higher.

Also , to your first point , all of the data people rely on for the ethnic comparisons of IQ are based on high school scores. So that is the basis of what we're talking about. The other tests are also a much more of an indication of education than IQ. Worse than that they can be studied for , which makes the value of them worth fuck all.


Posting Machine
Aug 13, 2024
My point is exactly that IQ is a measure of education, not intelligence. No more , no less.
That is in fact how they derive their IQ stat's.
Asians aren't more intelligent than whites. Yet they have way higher numbers.
The ability to hunt and gather food is absolutely dependent on intelligence and a lot , if not all theses high IQ fuckers on wall Street and liberal university would fail miserably. Even if they had their hand held and were walked through it step by step for decades.

These countries you mentioned are certainly fucked up and backwards. Most of them don't even have words for please and thank you let alone words to philosophise about the world around them. They could be transplanted into a situation where they are educated and within a few generations have the capacity to understand thing's on the same level as white's. ( note , I said a few generations).
The IQ tests that I had weren't really reliant on educational facts. Most of them tried to remove the cultural bias and test pattern recognition, reading comprehension, manipulation of abstract concepts. They were testing for the building blocks rather than the expression of them.

I think the consensus is that genetics determines a ceiling of an individual, but education can determine how close to that ceiling someone gets. There are some uncomfortable facts (at least, to liberals) about the average IQ of different ethnicities, but that's only an average. Doesn't really say anything about the ceiling of any given individual. The best bang for your buck in raising the IQ of a group of people is to culturally instill a value for education and give people the means to attain it. (No amount of money thrown at the latter will help unless the former is in place.)

But like Conspiracy Tsar @Conspiracy Tsar said, there are a number of twins test that bear this out. The same way they've been able to track intelligent twins across socioeconomic differences, the dumb ones pan out the same way. That's what upsets the leftists so much. Their whole narrative is that if you just took Tyreeq and put him in an Ivy League school, he'd end up in the same socioeconomic boat as his classmates. The failure rates of minorities in these schools is causing them some serious cognitive dissonance.

Human intelligence is one of the more thoroughly tested fields of psychology in an ocean of bullshit. I suspect they'll try and sabotage that because it's a real pain in the ass to their narrative: the idea that you can socially engineer people into what you want.


Posting Machine
Aug 13, 2024
Let's take your example of mayweather or crazy horse. If they were to grow up with excellent education would they be brainsurgons. Probably not likely. What about if their kids and grandchildren receive excellent education and their parents are of equal IQ /ethnicity. I think they definitely would be capable of that and those kids would be Ben Carson level smart.
I don't think anyone can adapt to any environment. But I do believe they can within a few generations totally independent of race.
Might make more sense if you viewed intelligence like any other physical attribute. No amount of training or supplements could have me bench more than Brock Lesnar on his worst day. But if I and my offspring consistently bred across generations with people with a higher physical ceiling, maybe my descendents could. I don't think intelligence is all that different. Education in this case is just another word for training. Financial resources is just supplementation. It's just that our society places some sort of moral value on intelligence, so it's uncomfortable for some to point out that no, not everyone is created equal on that front.