General Bill Burr and Billy Corgan half-brothers?

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Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
I would love finding another brother somewhere which I'm sure my fucking dad has some in mejeeco. Fuck Burr for this one, imo.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
You're right, that's pretty damn uncanny. Is this just a world-class troll job? Or the guy led one hell of a double-life.
My father's father had at least 1 other family we never knew about until he died. It was nuts, lol. These fuckers called us to let us know Red was dead and wanted to know who was going to pay for the funeral?

Absolutely bonkers, but filled in some gaps for my dad and uncles.
One of my uncle's drove straight from Ca to TX to identify the body and confirm it was actually him.
"Just to make sure the bastard was dead".

So, uhh, apparently it's happens.