I feel like a gas station would be a great thing to own, but a horrible thing to run.
Super-long hours. Dealing wtih ever-changing fuel prices. Dealing with multiple types of vendors / deliveries from fuel to milk to soda to chips/snacks to other food items & sundries. I imagine you likely gotta have some kinda permits or licensing to sell beer / wine / alcohol, as well as tobacco, lottery tickets, etc.
Between gas, lottery tickets, booze, tobacco, propane (since many sell that, too), checking ID, etc, there has to be never-ending regulatory bullshit & red tape.
I can only imagine what it's like dealing with theft & loss prevention.
Like I said - if you owned one & had a team running it for you so you could be hands off, that'd be one thing. It being a small business that you run yourself? Sounds like a fucking nightmare. I also question the bottom line profit, too. Gas stations are big revenue, but what are you actually walking away with at the end of the day/week/month?
From what I've heard, many gas stations actually *lose* money on the gas itself - gas is just a loss-leader to attract people into the convenience store to buy food items that they actually run a profit on.
This (and vehicle maintenance just being a different animal than it once was) is why the gas station model changed so much in the last several decades. Gas stations went away from being service stations and are all now convenience stores. The ones that want to have more profit do shit like car washes, "fresh" food (like hot dogs & nachos & shit), even full-service restaurants (like Sheetz) & all that.
To hellllll with all that, IMO.
If you wanna buy some land & build a cash flowing asset, something like a coin-op car wash would be way less stress & headache, and likely not too different in bottom line profit at the end of the day (unless you went with some insanely over the top operation with the resturant & all that).