The most powerful people on the planet all forming a network to harm children is a massively big deal.
It's all fully aledged. There will be no proof anyone did anything beyond speculation. There will be zero consequences for anyone. The women in the cases have already cut deals and signed NDA's.
Look at people like Bill clinton and random celebrities like Jimmy kimmel who flew with epstine. No consequences whatsoever. It's blown over.
I don't know what you are expecting to be exposed ?
What I'm saying is there's no great need for secrecy or a cover up because it's all going to be entirely circumstantial and conjecture.
The reason I'm speculating there's a push to keep this covered up is not because people nobody would have expected to be associated with Epstein are outed, that's already been exposed. It's the names that people have never heard of that people don't want attention drawn to.
People like George sorros's boss. Whoever that is . ( Rothschild). But I'm sure there are others. Then people will really start putting the pieces together.
We've always been run by poffters,liars and thief's and pedos , and probably always will be. Nothing is going to change. Joe biden was probably fucking his kid daughter like his son was fucking his niece. What happened. Nothing.
These people don't want to be exposed not because of their paedophile act's but because of all the other things they are involved with. That's what can bring the whole structure down.
Nobody is going to jail for fucking kids. Not even close. I don't know how insanely gullible and nieve people have to be to believe that.