Yes! Kept wracking my brain, Adam Baldwin. One of those guys where you wonder how the hell he ever became a theater fag.Benicio del Toro and Adam Baldwin.
One of my favorite movies as a young ladAdam Baldwin
That's an obscure choice, had to google him to realize who it is.Mads Mikkelsen
He did too good a job with Bad Santa. Now when I'm watching Landman, my mind just automatically fills in a piss-stained Santa suit and a fifth of whiskey in his hand. Wife doesn't know why I'm laughing during certain scenes.I don’t know him personally, but very underrated is Billy Bob Thornton
😂He did too good a job with Bad Santa. Now when I'm watching Landman, my mind just automatically fills in a piss-stained Santa suit and a fifth of whiskey in his hand. Wife doesn't know why I'm laughing during certain scenes.
Valhalla RisingThat's an obscure choice, had to google him to realize who it is.
lol, I haven't seen one of those.Valhalla Rising
The Hunt
Riders of Justice
The Promised Land
Another Round
Age of Uprising
All great.
Valhalla Rising is a fucking trip. Danish lore. Very violent. Very, I haven't seen one of those.
I almost said Skellen SkarsgardEveryone loves Keanu even when he makes bad movies.
I really like Alexander Skarsgard, the guy who played Sgt Colbert in generation kill