General Gimmie your bidet suggestions

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Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
Welp, it's installed. It sprays my crack real good on the low setting. Now I just have to wait until I need to poop.
I'll never understand how this is better than toilet paper unless your asshole is so wrecked it's painful to wipe.
And doing it with cold water?
How can that possibly do anything?


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
I'll never understand how this is better than toilet paper unless your asshole is so wrecked it's painful to wipe.
And doing it with cold water?
How can that possibly do anything?
  1. The water wasn't that cold. Cool, not cold.
  2. I've only tried the low setting, but I can see it working very effectively on a high setting.
  3. I stated in the OP regarding Big TP and their plans.
  4. Why waste paper when your toilet already has a water hookup?


Not A Lurker
Aug 13, 2024
I went with this one. I guess I'll see if it is for me. Maybe I'll go with a heated one at a later date. Thanks for your advice.
I have a very similar one. It works great. You don't need warm water, your asshole gets use to the cold quickly. Guaranteed in like a week or two you'll be wondering why you didn't buy it sooner. When you go to hotels or have to take a shit somewhere else you will feel dirty.


Not A Lurker
Aug 13, 2024
I'll never understand how this is better than toilet paper unless your asshole is so wrecked it's painful to wipe.
And doing it with cold water?
How can that possibly do anything?
Read post above. After you've had a bidet and used it for a couple of weeks you'll see the power of having a clean asshole.

I don't care about toilet paper usage or price. I buy the Costco 36 pack or whatever it is. You just feel cleaner.

Bonus: A women can freshen up quickly with a bidet like the one mysticmac @mysticmac bought. It has the pussy washer feature.

Steps to use a bidet:
Turn on water sprayer
Wiggle ass around to get it super clean
Dry off with a couple of sheets of paper

After using it for a bit you don't even notice the water's cold (usually). In the Summer its refreshing, in the Winter there are a couple of days you wish it was warmer but you still have a clean hole.

Its like putting a power washer on your hole, it removes everything when done properly. No more multiple wipes. Just hose it down.


Not A Lurker
Aug 13, 2024
I'm a traditional kinda man I guess
I was also until I bought the first one 10+ years ago. After that the whole family swears by it. I also only buy the cheap $30-40 ones, I don't get the fancy ones. I told my brother about it and he bought them for the whole house and everyone loves them. He got the fancy warm water versions.

I'm not exaggerating you will feel a lot cleaner and when you shit somewhere else, you will feel like a dirty butt. Join the cult it's only like $30-40 and if you don't like it you can return it. It takes like 5-10 minutes to install and you're not breaking anything on your toilet. Give it a week or two of usage to get use to it and if it's not worth it, I'll pay for your bidet. *

* Terms & Conditions of my offer: I will not actually pay for your bidet, you can return that shit and get your money back.


I am the Greengo
Nov 22, 2015
Someone needs to make one like an automatic car wash. First the soap, then a rinse, followed by a hotwax, finished off with a squirt of preparation H. Million dollar idea there boys!