Emmanuel Newton tests positive for marijuana

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Shy Guy

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Fuck the universe for not being on his side.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
If it was a test after the fight, it depends how much was in his system. I don't think you should be allowed to fight high, but if it was the day before or something, then who gives a fuck.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
If it was a test after the fight, it depends how much was in his system. I don't think you should be allowed to fight high, but if it was the day before or something, then who gives a fuck.
So what if he was high during fight?
Are there advantages that you can think of for a fighter high on weed?


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
So what if he was high during fight?
Doesn't it have some pain killing effects? When I used to puff it definitely changed my perception of touch, but it has been a long time now. The paranoia didn't agree with me, but I am not against anyone using, I just don't think it is appropriate to be high while fighting.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Good points. I'm not sure if there is an advantage or disadvantage in being high during a fight because I don't fight.
I will say that my attention is sharper which might help to shut out outside distractions.

Mertvaya Ruka

Active Member
Feb 14, 2015
I'm guessing guys uses "medical" grade stuff now a days, that new "threshold" might not be enough anymore.

Weed has legit medicinal properties, it is a potent pain killer when using the right strain. If painkillers are banned, weed has to have some kind of threshold, I don't know what 100 ng/mL represent, but taking weed hours before a fight is not cool in my book.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I'm guessing guys uses "medical" grade stuff now a days, that new "threshold" might not be enough anymore.

Weed has legit medicinal properties, it is a potent pain killer when using the right strain. If painkillers are banned, weed has to have some kind of threshold, I don't know what 100 ng/mL represent, but taking weed hours before a fight is not cool in my book.
I think the pain killing properties are far outweighed by just the being high part. If somebody can blaze then go fight for a title in pro MMA then I'm actually impressed. Not saying it should be allowed or promoted just that being stoned and doing anything that physical and technical has to be tough.

Mertvaya Ruka

Active Member
Feb 14, 2015
I think the pain killing properties are far outweighed by just the being high part. If somebody can blaze then go fight for a title in pro MMA then I'm actually impressed. Not saying it should be allowed or promoted just that being stoned and doing anything that physical and technical has to be tough.
Some strains of weed are very high in CBD and very low in THC, the stuff won't make you high. Some kids even take it to help with seizures.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Some strains of weed are very high in CBD and very low in THC, the stuff won't make you high. Some kids even take it to help with seizures.
True but I have a feeling that 90% of smokers don't actively seek out these strains, just guessing. Living in BC and knowing people who either have a license to smoke, grow or possess they all seem to get baked regardless of the purpose like MS or as you stated seizures. I'm obviously biased and see no real harm if an adult wants to partake in recreational/medicinal marijuana and I think its ridiculous for any AC to ban or even test for it. The reasoning that the fighters safety is what motivates is laughable at best.

Mertvaya Ruka

Active Member
Feb 14, 2015
True but I have a feeling that 90% of smokers don't actively seek out these strains, just guessing. Living in BC and knowing people who either have a license to smoke, grow or possess they all seem to get baked regardless of the purpose like MS or as you stated seizures. I'm obviously biased and see no real harm if an adult wants to partake in recreational/medicinal marijuana and I think its ridiculous for any AC to ban or even test for it. The reasoning that the fighters safety is what motivates is laughable at best.
I used to have the same opinion but now that I'm seeking pain relief from cannabis, I'm slowly changing my mind. If cannabis can relieve pain that morphine can't control well, I think there's no denying cannabis is a legit pain killer.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
I used to have the same opinion but now that I'm seeking pain relief from cannabis, I'm slowly changing my mind. If cannabis can relieve pain that morphine can't control well, I think there's no denying cannabis is a legit pain killer.
If medical was available in my state the same as others, I would actively seek out different strains for different purposes as well. Since it's not though you kinda gotta just go with what you can get. What's amazing is that I live in Massachusetts (the most hippie liberal gay state there is) and yet even though the medical law passed, there are no dispensaries anywhere near me, getting a license is a huge pain, etc.

Shit sucks. Because I would 100% try out various strains that are known to help with pain. Plus, any time I've been lucky enough to get some BHO, any back pain I had vanished. Too destroyed to even realize it's there.

So, I agree


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
The medical program director in my state, Karen van Unen, has not only completed slowed the process here.. But also has repeatedly made opiopds available much easier to people. This bitch is almost solely responsible for the plague in my state of junkies. Now, in 2015, if you had a license (a 15 step registration process that is almost designed to fail even for fucking cancer patients), you have to pay $250 more to get a "digital" license.. despite the fact most people who pay the fee don't even get the license approved

Scam. It's amazing how easy it is for people to get their hands on heroin in a pill, but pot is near impossible medically here. Any time I've EVER been to the ER for a back issue over the years, and even my own doctors, have tried to just push pain pills on me. Literally, the first reaction is "here is pain pills, go lay down and take these and be a zombie'

Nope, fuck you, fuck your chemicals, and fuck your walking zombie patients who break into people's houses when their prescriptions run out because you motherfuckers know EXACTLY what you are doing

YEAH - hear that lady? I know you are reading!


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
So what if he was high during fight?
Are there advantages that you can think of for a fighter high on weed?
As an avid smoker of the marijuana I don't think you should be allowed to be stoned during a fight. It can give you an unfair advantage in regards to not feeling the "stress" or it could slow your reaction down and get you seriously hurt due to being slower and not feeling the pain.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
im a medical marijuana patient and imo the pain relief effects of pot are when its eaten.smoking a joint doesnt do shit for any real pain ive ever had . smoking may be good for appetite anxiety and like a headache but actual muscle pain needs to be treated with edibles.i belong to a compassion club and am a member of a dispensary.while i do not think fighting while high should be allowed i do think they need to adjust levels to be much higher.i could see a guy with real bad anxiety needing a few puffs early in the day on fight day but being sober by the time he gets to the arena.i also would be concerned with edibles being in your system for a long ass time.


im a medical marijuana patient and imo the pain relief effects of pot are when its eaten.smoking a joint doesnt do shit for any real pain ive ever had . smoking may be good for appetite anxiety and like a headache but actual muscle pain needs to be treated with edibles.i belong to a compassion club and am a member of a dispensary.while i do not think fighting while high should be allowed i do think they need to adjust levels to be much higher.i could see a guy with real bad anxiety needing a few puffs early in the day on fight day but being sober by the time he gets to the arena.i also would be concerned with edibles being in your system for a long ass time.
if you have anxiety, should the fighter even belong in the cage?


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
do you really think no one has a high level of anxiety on fight day?