The medical program director in my state, Karen van Unen, has not only completed slowed the process here.. But also has repeatedly made opiopds available much easier to people. This bitch is almost solely responsible for the plague in my state of junkies. Now, in 2015, if you had a license (a 15 step registration process that is almost designed to fail even for fucking cancer patients), you have to pay $250 more to get a "digital" license.. despite the fact most people who pay the fee don't even get the license approved
Scam. It's amazing how easy it is for people to get their hands on heroin in a pill, but pot is near impossible medically here. Any time I've EVER been to the ER for a back issue over the years, and even my own doctors, have tried to just push pain pills on me. Literally, the first reaction is "here is pain pills, go lay down and take these and be a zombie'
Nope, fuck you, fuck your chemicals, and fuck your walking zombie patients who break into people's houses when their prescriptions run out because you motherfuckers know EXACTLY what you are doing
YEAH - hear that lady? I know you are reading!