Hard to say, there are always tradeoffs for these things. People always act like the other course of action would've been perfect AFTER we've already gone down one path. I imagine if Obama hadn't bailed out the banks we would've had a crisis so big we would still be in it, yet everybody Monday-morning quarterbacks for their team and says he shouldn't have done it.
Politics is a team sport for most people but what I am seeing now disturbs the hell out of me.
I wasn't a big fan of GW Bush but I went to see him speak in Philadelphia and it's still one of the most important things I've ever done, to watch a sitting President speak. I would never root for another country over the USA no matter what the case.
We now have people so blatantly admiring the RUSSIAN President over our own it's pathetic, yet these same people call themselves patriots.
You have Senators engaging other countries without the approval of the President, undermining our foreign policy. They've shut down the Government just to prove a point.
It's fucking anarchy and these guys appear to thrive on how far they can take it.
so that is a lot of text and emotion to take in lol. and I just took a few honey oil hoots, but I will do my best.
I completely agree that its hard to say and hindsight is always more clear. but I just cant shake the thought of that if we didnt go into iraq for resources and even then, didnt kill off sadam. we probably wouldnt have had this problem. and by "we" I mean all the forces from the countries that went to afganistan, Iraq etc.
now of course we could have a problem if we didnt do that at all. we probably would have had the banking crisis sooner. and things would probably be much worse than they are now. and personally, why not just come out and say "we are going to iraq to take the oil because we need it to keep things good on the homefront" I would be much more on board with that then the lies. it makes things that happen later on seem suspect. I cant get on board with the whole "
I would never root for another country over (insert whatever country you are from here) no matter what the case." mentality. imo, nationalism only teaches you to hate people you dont know & that you have never met. that being said, I am not fond of the refugees. but I understand that they cant stay in that region. I also understand that taking in huge refugees regardless of your populaces feelings is a recipe for disaster. its a huge clusterfuck of a situation. but to let them die, either at home or in a refugee camp, is not the way to go. on the other side of the coin, there are always casualties of war, and this is the first time people actually care enough to help them out to this extent.