How does he know my email address?Just sent him a PM m8. He answered back almost immediately and said he'll email you when he gets home.
Lift and fuck roids?Stop being a pussy and lift fuck roids man. You dont have kids and want to take roids? like a drink and want to take roids, think this through brother
You gonna end up with raisin nuts and liver cancer brah, just looking out for you guvnaLift and fuck roids?
No kids.
I like a beer yes.
Thought about it.
What am I supposed to take from the graphic?Never said youre a retard but now agree you need some supplements, good luck in your travels
Said he sent you an email and you haven't responded yet.How does he know my email address?
I show symptoms of low test believe it or not, despite my juicy traps.
He wouldn't know my email.Said he sent you an email and you haven't responded yet.
I'm not an alcoholic, broski.Thats called drinking alcohol, read up on alcohol and test production.
Daily blackout drinker of 10 years never missing a night and then I quit and literally hit new PBs on all 3 two days after quitting
Not only your test levels but your nervous system too
I emailed it to youHe wouldn't know my email.
Pm me his email
Hcg and pct protocol on a cycle. 12 weeks 400mg test/week.What do you need
400mgs isn't bad. Is this cyp enanthate, sust? If you are worried about gyno get some arimidex on hand or some nolvaded. Do you have access to all these things?Hcg and pct protocol on a cycle. 12 weeks 400mg test/week.
Scared shitless about gyno.
Will be cyp or enanthate. Can pin once a week then, right? Or would you still split into 2/week?400mgs isn't bad. Is this cyp enanthate, sust? If you are worried about gyno get some arimidex on hand or some nolvaded. Do you have access to all these things?