Your favorite thing

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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
To do?

If you can do one more thing before you die what is it that really makes feel amazing?

I have never sky dived. I imagine it would be up there.

Same with base jumping and bungee jumping off a bridge over water.

But I haven't done none off that.

My biggest adrenaline rush is driving fast in the desert. And driVing fast altogether. There is nothing like it for me.

Don't get me wrong I only do it secluded, I really want to get some track time too.

What's your favorite thing to do?



But seriously....maybe own my own fleet of luxury cars...That would be neat.


I'm confused, my favorite thing to do, or favorite thing that I want to do?

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
To do?

If you can do one more thing before you die what is it that really makes feel amazing?

I have never sky dived. I imagine it would be up there.

Same with base jumping and bungee jumping off a bridge over water.

But I haven't done none off that.

My biggest adrenaline rush is driving fast in the desert. And driVing fast altogether. There is nothing like it for me.

Don't get me wrong I only do it secluded, I really want to get some track time too.

What's your favorite thing to do?
im planning to sky dive this year.I made a bucket list ,I want to drive a formula one carI wonder how much those schools charge.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
im planning to sky dive this year.I made a bucket list ,I want to drive a formula one carI wonder how much those schools charge.
I actually know someone who works for red bull. He just announced 2 days ago he's not on the travelling race team (he's a mechanic) so he goes with the cars now for a living.


I hate him

Nice dude tho


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
It's probably something like skydiving.


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
I love traveling so I would choose a long trip around the world.

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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I'm confused, my favorite thing to do, or favorite thing that I want to do?
Your absolute favorite thing you have ever done, the one thing you would choose to do before you die that you have already experienced


TMMAC Addict
Oct 22, 2015
If i found out I was dying - especially if they didn't give me long to live - I would probably not do the cool things I have already done, but try to do some awesome new things, especially ones laden with danger or serious consequences. I honestly hope I have the balls to do it, but I would like to hunt down a few politicians and CEO's and maybe the odd kiddy fiddler or two. But I'd probably chicken out and do something more simple and selfish like try to free climb a mountain and base jump off it or something.


I'm currently setting up a camp to exterminate kiddy fiddlers Saw style.

Based on the running man.

its gonna be great.
Apr 3, 2015
my favorite thing to do is simply sitting in a forest or on a mountain and smoking a few bowls and listening to mother nature.

just being, existing, for that moment, one with nature.

Deleted member 1

Your absolute favorite thing you have ever done, the one thing you would choose to do before you die that you have already experienced

Well damn... There goes all the sexy responses.

Travel drink and eat too much.
Growing up we never really took any vacations. Then about 10 years ago I got the opportunity to take a trip abroad for about a week. But for my entire life and definitely the last 10 years and more I have either had no money or no time to travel.

About a year ago that dynamic started to balance out a little. And with it I started prioritizing the time portion. I've made two international trips in the last year in a domestic road trip.

People ask what I do when I travel. Sure, I go see some of the big items. If you're in Paris you have to go to the Louvre. But I really love is just wandering around and eating too much and socially acceptable midday drinking.

So what do I do if I have have one last request? Food & Drink tour of a huge section of the world.

Also scuba diving. I just learned this year and it was one of the most amazing things I've ever done. I'm already looking at how to tack it onto traveling. Gives a good excuse to go to a number of destinations that might not normally be on your radar and it's the most zen experience I've ever had


Jan 20, 2015
There's a moment during a long distance hike some call "The Shift". The "you"( ego,personality, etc.) that society has created begins to change.
No cares other than distance to the next water source, protection from the elements;just existing as one of natures children,simply.

A profound appreciation for life and the beauty that surrounds you is your new companion.

Deleted member 1

There's a moment during a long distance hike some call "The Shift". The "you"( ego,personality, etc.) that society has created begins to change.
No cares other than distance to the next water source, protection from the elements;just existing as one of natures children,simply.

A profound appreciation for life and the beauty that surrounds you is your new companion.

I've heard people talk about that in different terms when hiking things like the Appalachian Trail. People go on these hikes with a friend or their family member. You do it thru hiking the Appalachian and its 100 days if you are aggressively trying to complete it fast.

You spend your first couple of days talking about whatever it is that will take your mind off of the movement. At some point in the trip you apparently just run out of things to talk about. You just become in motion.

I've never done it, but people that have talk about the intensely personal experience that it becomes.

Do you do a lot of hiking yourself?


I'm just here for the rumham
Aug 4, 2015

But seriously....maybe own my own fleet of luxury cars...That would be neat.
Reminds me of the poem Danse Russe
Danse Russe
William Carlos Williams, 1883 - 1963
If when my wife is sleeping
and the baby and Kathleen
are sleeping
and the sun is a flame-white disc
in silken mists
above shining trees,-
if I in my north room
dance naked, grotesquely
before my mirror
waving my shirt round my head
and singing softly to myself:
“I am lonely, lonely,
I was born to be lonely,
I am best so!”
If I admire my arms, my face,
my shoulders, flanks, buttocks
against the yellow drawn shades,-

Who shall say I am not
the happy genius of my household?


Jan 20, 2015
I've heard people talk about that in different terms when hiking things like the Appalachian Trail. People go on these hikes with a friend or their family member. You do it thru hiking the Appalachian and its 100 days if you are aggressively trying to complete it fast.

You spend your first couple of days talking about whatever it is that will take your mind off of the movement. At some point in the trip you apparently just run out of things to talk about. You just become in motion.

I've never done it, but people that have talk about the intensely personal experience that it becomes.

Do you do a lot of hiking yourself?
Yeah, I get out as often as I can. I'll be jumping back on the PCT,just outside of Mojave, early March (depending on snow conditions in the Sierras)Hopefully I make it to Canada.
A well trained wife and small inheritance allow me the freedom of not having to work. Kind of nice :).


Yeah, I get out as often as I can. I'll be jumping back on the PCT,just outside of Mojave, early March (depending on snow conditions in the Sierras)Hopefully I make it to Canada.
A well trained wife and small inheritance allow me the freedom of not having to work. Kind of nice :).
Nice work man.

Niceeeee work.