2016 New Years Resolutions

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Feb 28, 2015
I don't have resolutions per se but I do a thing each year where I come up with a theme, a word or two, for the year. Last year was "connect" and "commit" and tried to ensure everything I spent my time and energy on led me to achieving one of those in some way. I'll do my exercise for 2016 tomorrow.

Some goals I have for the year though are:
Reach settlement agreement on 2nd mortgage from house I no longer own (loooooong story)
Find and buy land where I will build a house
Take at least 1 (hopefully 2-3) international trips
Clean up my diet and resolve my skin issues once and for all (already striving for 80%+ raw)
Work with Chinese medicine/acupuncture doc to resolve my shoulder and back joint issues
Get back in great shape
Theme for 2016: "What are you waiting for?"


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Do we create a weight loss thread and one for no booze/drugs where everyone can track their progress and look for inspiration? god knows Ill need it.
Remember this was done on the OG last year. I stopped following the thread after I fucking gained close to 25lbs.


Oct 20, 2015
Remember this was done on the OG last year. I stopped following the thread after I fucking gained close to 25lbs.
Start one here and we will support you and help you lose the weight. I've lost over 150 lbs all on my own so some of us know how to do it.