National Average IQ Global Rankings

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el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Completely unrelated to IQ but those female Swiss hockey fans at the Spengler cup are some hotties.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Thats education not experience matey.

Okay I just went to the supermarket across the road, true story, I was using the self service checkout and this 30ish lady with two kids came up to use them too. There is one line of checkouts that say "card only" the one behind it says "cash or card" bitch walked up to the card only ones and tried scanning her goods and an alert message came up on screen reminding her its "CARD ONLY" she stomped her feet, looked around bewildered with the frustrated look of a down syndrome kid trying to solve a rubix cube (SP?) so I said to her "Hey if you want to use cash you can use those over there" no thanks or anything she just storms off towards the cash checkouts and then proceeds to trying to shove a 20 note into it before scanning her goods, I thought to help her again but nah fuck it....

You telling me anyone could teach that bitch astrophysics? Im sure one could teach her a dumbed down overview of their theory regarding the origins of the universe but teach her the math required to support their theory? no fucking way....
I could teach her for sure. I'd start by judo chopping her


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Intelligence has a number of different aspects. Most IQ tests do not actually provide an accurate intelligence quotient. As posted, you can do better on those tests with practise. I've known people with 140+ IQs who can't seem to grasp basic, obvious life lessons and live on benefits.

Most people can learn a subject matter if they are interested and the teacher is good. Some people obviously learn some things easier than others but trying to quantify that is only going to be crude at best.

member 1013

Intelligence has a number of different aspects. Most IQ tests do not actually provide an accurate intelligence quotient. As posted, you can do better on those tests with practise. I've known people with 140+ IQs who can't seem to grasp basic, obvious life lessons and live on benefits.

Most people can learn a subject matter if they are interested and the teacher is good. Some people obviously learn some things easier than others but trying to quantify that is only going to be crude at best.
Would you believe me if I told you my IQ was a trillion gajillion?

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I've got an IQ of 140+ and can barely function around people. I scored off the charts on the conscription test back in the day. I prefer to get drunk, fight people and that's it.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
I've got an IQ of 140+ and can barely function around people. I scored off the charts on the conscription test back in the day. I prefer to get drunk, fight people and that's it.

You just keep on rocking the tropical hobo lifestyle most of these cats will never understand.

member 1013

I've got an IQ of 140+ and can barely function around people. I scored off the charts on the conscription test back in the day. I prefer to get drunk, fight people and that's it.
The combination of your hobbies has more than likely diminished that score a bit.

It not good for you

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Intelligence has a number of different aspects. Most IQ tests do not actually provide an accurate intelligence quotient. As posted, you can do better on those tests with practise. I've known people with 140+ IQs who can't seem to grasp basic, obvious life lessons and live on benefits.

Most people can learn a subject matter if they are interested and the teacher is good. Some people obviously learn some things easier than others but trying to quantify that is only going to be crude at best.
I think they are culturally biased too, WTF does some kid in the amazon have to gain from knowing what shape a hexagon folds into?

Whats a British kid going to learn from attaining an outback Australian Aboriginal kids ability to memorize the positioning of nearly each little stone he walks past to work out what animals are about? memory is a massive component of intelligence but the Aboriginal kid is going to score low on the memory component of the IQ test because it is more concerned about memorizing lists in a certain order.

Singapore and South Korea score the highest on the global IQ rankings but travel to either country and youll see how fucking dumb the average person is. I was eating in a cafe in Singers years ago and kept having to ask the waiter for another glass of h20 (which came in tiny glasses), finally I felt bad so I said "Brother can you bring me a tall glass and save us both some trouble?" he couldnt he said water comes in short glasses, I pointed to my friends tall glass of coke and he still looked at me confused. I said fine then muttered "fucking retard" under my breath and dude heard and pointed out he wasnt retarded he was in fact a dentistry student..... there you go

South Korea, dont get me started on how dumb (some) people can be, on average they have much less common sense than in the west, shit my wife's small country town (< a couple hundred thousand people) has 15 vehicular deaths per day and there is hardly any traffic because they simply cant follow any direction. They actually also believe that korea is the only country that eats chilies/peppers

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
That's some severe self-hatred mang. You should probably have gotten a fat white girl.

member 1013

not to generalize, but most of the black guys I've been with had huge dongs


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
not to generalize, but most of the black guys I've been with had huge dongs
It seems the data supports your anecdotal observations. According to this global penis size map and accompanying penile index dick size seems to correlate negatively with IQ, at least at the extremes. Perhaps God is fair after all?

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Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
Having a high IQ doesnt equal having common sense thats why some of the smartest people are basically idiots when it comes to life. A good example of this is @nickdiaznuthugger.

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