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Feb 16, 2015
A Muslim woman wearing a hijab was escorted out of Donald Trump's campaign event on Friday by police after she stood up in silent protest during Trump's speech.

Despite her silence, Trump supporters around her began chanting Trump's name -- as instructed by Trump campaign staff before the event in case of protests -- and pointed at Hamid and Marty Rosenbluth, the man alongside her who stood up as well.

As they were escorted out, Trump supporters roared -- booing the pair and shouting at them to "get out." One person shouted, "You have a bomb, you have a bomb," according to Hamid.

Before the event, Hamid told CNN that she didn't plan to shout or disrupt the event -- she simply wanted to give Trump supporters a glimpse of what Muslims are like.

"I figured that most Trump supporters probably never met a Muslim so I figured that I'd give them the opportunity to meet one," she said, wearing a shirt that read "Salam, I come in peace." "I really don't plan to say anything. I don't want to be disrespectful but if he says something that I feel needs answering I might -- we'll just see what strikes me."

"This demonstrates how when you start dehumanizing the other it can turn people into very hateful, ugly people," she said. "It needs to be known."

member 1013

Trump's whole campaign is a disgusting circus act, IMO.

I actually love the conspiracy theory he is running to spur moderates to Hillary if he gets the nomination. It would be wonderfully fantastic if true.

Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
I guess he did produce fairly attractive daughters but that is all I will give him. And half credit at that!
Edit: maybe like 25% credit.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
What the hell did they think was going to happen?they did it for a reaction and got one


Posting Machine
Mar 30, 2015


Feb 16, 2015
What the hell did they think was going to happen?they did it for a reaction and got one
It said in the article why she did it, she wanted to show people a peaceful muslim, and she even wore a shirt saying so.

Please tell me you are taking issue with her rather than the disgusting reception she got? I EXPECT civility in America.
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Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
Don't forget, Donald Trump wants to have sex with his daughter....

View: http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhyhq634DxYp7W33zO

Also, possibly the best name/avatar I've seen yet! Super Dave is the shit and anyone who says differently is probably voting Trump.
Thanks buddy!
People used to call me super dave at my old job. I liked to think it was because I was super and not that I was clumsy and accident prone. But yea Super Dave is pretty awesome. I might have a new avatar coming though.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
She knew what kind of reception she would be getting from trump supporters


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
It was done for a reaction and they got the desired reaction.how else was this going to go down?


Feb 16, 2015
I did not say who was right or wrong just what was to be expected.
It's obvious who is right and who is wrong, you just haven't said it yet. This is why America is going through this cycle of hate, people won't speak up.

She shouldn't have to be called a terrorist even at a Trump rally. These people are insane. This hysteria is how you get otherwise normal people to kill someone.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
You can't go around interrupting shit for attention and expect people not to say anything about it.they didn't have to say she had a bomb and call her a terrorist.they are both fucked


Feb 16, 2015
They are both wrong
LOL. How? For showing up to a rally and NOT saying anything? For being a muslim in a crowd and knowing better? Because you say she's an attention whore and she deserved whatever she got?

People behave like animals and all we can get from you is 'they are both wrong'.

We should probably just saw this country in half. We can't even get people to cop to deplorable behavior.


Feb 16, 2015
You can't go around interrupting shit for attention and expect people not to say anything about it.they didn't have to say she had a bomb and call her a terrorist.they are both fucked
'Interrupting' with what? Silence? Her mere presence? How EXACTLY was Trump interrupted?


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Standing in silent protest is not the same thing as them kicking out a random Muslim who happened to be in the audience.if she didn't stand in silent protest she wouldn't have been removed from the crowd.she was removed as a direct result of her own actions


Feb 16, 2015
Standing in silent protest is not the same thing as them kicking out a random Muslim who happened to be in the audience.if she didn't stand in silent protest she wouldn't have been removed from the crowd.she was removed as a direct result of her own actions
Seriously dude? Silent sanding equals an ass-drag to you? I have a feeling that your justification will turn to 'why can't they be civil' when the circumstances present themselves.

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I will pay attention to who you defend the next time somebody gets beat up in a high crime area.
'They should've known better'.
I think his point is she went to that rally with 1 goal: Make herself known and get a reaction from the crowd. I got no problem with that and I hope this is how other protesters would go about it. The ignorant people in the crowd shouting "you have a bomb", I am not sure that is even free speech. Similar to yelling fire in a crowded movie theater. CNN is known as a liberal-leaning media source and I'm sure a Fox news segment will probably come out as well. Somewhere in the middle lies the truth.

All I care about is they get treated fairly under the law. If the Trump people are within their rights to escort someone out of the rally that is protesting then they should be allowed to do so. The law should be applied fairly and equally to all parties no matter if it's something you agree or don't agree with.

check it

kids need ninja shit too
Jul 23, 2015
i'm surprised she passed the trump loyalty test to get in the place....assuming it was anything like his burlington, vt campaign stop.

She must have donned her hijab after the fact....or somebody was snoozing on the job.

i think she got the reaction she was looking for...exposed a bunch of hateful americans who yelled ridiculous shit when she got kicked out.
then of course the news story about the situation...and this post. it got people talking..that's for sure.