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Posting Machine
Nov 14, 2015
I wonder how well I'd be received if I want to a Hillary rally decked out in nra clothes and a hat that says don't tread on me.

Sometimes you gotta know your company and adjust accordingly or remove yourself from the possibility of an incident. That is, unless you want an incident.


Feb 16, 2015
I think his point is she went to that rally with 1 goal: Make herself known and get a reaction from the crowd. I got no problem with that and I hope this is how other protesters would go about it. The ignorant people in the crowd shouting "you have a bomb", I am not sure that is even free speech. Similar to yelling fire in a crowded movie theater. CNN is known as a liberal-leaning media source and I'm sure a Fox news segment will probably come out as well. Somewhere in the middle lies the truth.

All I care about is they get treated fairly under the law. If the Trump people are within their rights to escort someone out of the rally that is protesting then they should be allowed to do so. The law should be applied fairly and equally to all parties no matter if it's something you agree or don't agree with.
But that was HIS take on it, she SAID exactly what she was trying to do and she wore a shirt even saying so.

She seemed to be trying to show herself as an example rather than trying to disrupt the rally. She even said some people were saying how sorry they were to her. I doubt they would've done that if she was trying to disrupt anything.

Also, CNN known as liberal, lol. ALL news sources with the exception of Fox are 'known as Liberal' to anybody on the right.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Trump's whole campaign is a disgusting circus act, IMO.
Nailed it. He's a disgusting, vile human being and I can't believe anyone would even think about voting for him. Donald Trump is in this for one reason, and one reason only...self gain by lining his pockets. Believe that. And Hillary is right up there with him. Our political system is a pitiful state of affairs.

PS - Fuck those sheep at this event that spewed Trump's bullshit for him.


Feb 16, 2015
I wonder how well I'd be received if I want to a Hillary rally decked out in nra clothes and a hat that says don't tread on me.

Sometimes you gotta know your company and adjust accordingly or remove yourself from the possibility of an incident. That is, unless you want an incident.
Wearing your traditional religious garb is the same as wearing NRA gear? First I've heard of this.

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
But that was HIS take on it, she SAID exactly what she was trying to do and she wore a shirt even saying so.

She seemed to be trying to show herself as an example rather than trying to disrupt the rally. She even said some people were saying how sorry they were to her. I doubt they would've done that if she was trying to disrupt anything.

Also, CNN known as liberal, lol. ALL news sources with the exception of Fox are 'known as Liberal' to anybody on the right.
Whether it was her intention at the beginning to stir the pot or not, she eventually made the decision to stir the pot. I have no problem with her protesting or her getting thrown out for disrupting the rally. The only thing here I don't like is the prejudice tards shouting bomb. Maybe some video will turn up of that incident.


Posting Machine
Nov 14, 2015
I'm trying to recreate the environment at a Hillary rally but I think we both know that nobody is getting attacked or loudly stereotyped at a Hillary rally.
Meh. I know what rode this is headed down. I'm not gonna waste my Saturday night trying to talk you out of voting for Hillary. Your mind is probably made up. Oh, thanks for the hope and change by the way. The social climate is going swimmingly. Can't wait for more of the same....


Feb 16, 2015
Meh. I know what rode this is headed down. I'm not gonna waste my Saturday night trying to talk you out of voting for Hillary. Your mind is probably made up. Oh, thanks for the hope and change by the way. The social climate is going swimmingly. Can't wait for more of the same....
Interesting methodology of mentioning a Hillary rally, getting answered by me on that point and then assigning me as a Hillary voter AFTER you brought her up. You learn from the right wing well. Oh, and you're welcome for Osama, the bailout and all the new jobs. Too bad we needed a bailout because we spent our asses into the ground on GW's watch. Please vote for more rich guys so we can have them shit all over the entire housing market and make rules that favor more rich people.

PS: I'm voting Bernie.

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Feb 16, 2015
Whether it was her intention at the beginning to stir the pot or not, she eventually made the decision to stir the pot. I have no problem with her protesting or her getting thrown out for disrupting the rally. The only thing here I don't like is the prejudice tards shouting bomb. Maybe some video will turn up of that incident.
I'm still trying to figure out how standing silently is disruptive in the slightest. Standing while Muslim is a crime now?

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Really, you're going down the route of "Standing while Muslim is a crime"? Alrighty then, i'll see myself out


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Lol, who cares about this stuff with Syria and Iraq in smoldering ruins? If he can hold off the neocons and curtail the continuous aggressive war making, stop funding and covertly supporting violent colored revolutions he'll join Jimmy Carter as my favorite US presidents of all time. The rest is just noise; it doesn't matter.


Nov 15, 2015
You can't go around interrupting shit for attention and expect people not to say anything about it.they didn't have to say she had a bomb and call her a terrorist.they are both fucked
How exactly did she "interrupt shit"?
She literally didn't say a word.

member 1013

Nailed it. He's a disgusting, vile human being and I can't believe anyone would even think about voting for him. Donald Trump is in this for one reason, and one reason only...self gain by lining his pockets. Believe that. And Hillary is right up there with him. Our political system is a pitiful state of affairs.

PS - Fuck those sheep at this event that spewed Trump's bullshit for him.
Sadly most of your sister democracies are no better. (mine included)

TV irreparably changed politiics


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
Seriously dude? Silent sanding equals an ass-drag to you? I have a feeling that your justification will turn to 'why can't they be civil' when the circumstances present themselves.
I hope the next time you are a a sporting event the fat guy sitting in front of you decides to silent protest the nachos and doesnt sit the whole time.


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
Meanwhile N Korea are detonating hydrogen bombs and we are worried about whats happening at a rally for a guy running for president. Way to drink the kool aid people.

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Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
A lot of times people get escorted out of events for their own safety/good. People are going nuts about this but it's really a non-issue IMO. Political rallies never tolerate disruptions, and right or wrong this woman came to the rally to cause a scene and make a statement against Trump. If someone went to a Hilary rally with some kind of anti-Hilary sentiment on their shirt, and people started booing them and causing a scene, that person would be ejected as well.

Trump is scaring a lot of people, because they never thought he would gain so much traction and be an actual threat to the presidency, so they are constantly trying to discredit him and pin the scarlet R on his chest. Trump's muslim ban, while it's something I don't fully agree with, is echoing the sentiment of MILLIONS of Americans, and it's not coming from a place of hate, of "hey lets stick it to brown people". It comes from a place of fear, a fear of importing radical terrorists who's main goal is to kill as many civilians as possible. And that fear isn't completely unfounded - anyone who thinks there are no ISIS members/supporters coming over among these tens of thousands of refugees is being naive.


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
A lot of times people get escorted out of events for their own safety/good. People are going nuts about this but it's really a non-issue IMO. Political rallies never tolerate disruptions, and right or wrong this woman came to the rally to cause a scene and make a statement against Trump. If someone went to a Hilary rally with some kind of anti-Hilary sentiment on their shirt, and people started booing them and causing a scene, that person would be ejected as well.

Trump is scaring a lot of people, because they never thought he would gain so much traction and be an actual threat to the presidency, so they are constantly trying to discredit him and pin the scarlet R on his chest. Trump's muslim ban, while it's something I don't fully agree with, is echoing the sentiment of MILLIONS of Americans, and it's not coming from a place of hate, of "hey lets stick it to brown people". It comes from a place of fear, a fear of importing radical terrorists who's main goal is to kill as many civilians as possible. And that fear isn't completely unfounded - anyone who thinks there are no ISIS members/supporters coming over among these tens of thousands of refugees is being naive.
Trumps ban on muslims is an idea that liberal presidents, including Carter and Obama, have used in time of fear as well. That gets glossed over because its Trump.


I like how this is being discussed in this thread but why stop at just this incident? Protesters are removed all the time. Is it just this incident that has the op's attention or is this just one incident among many?

member 1013

I like how this is being discussed in this thread but why stop at just this incident? Protesters are removed all the time. Is it just this incident that has the op's attention or is this just one incident among many?

Prime Minister Jean Chretien knew how to handle a protester. It's called the Shawinigan handshake.

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Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
I like how this is being discussed in this thread but why stop at just this incident? Protesters are removed all the time. Is it just this incident that has the op's attention or is this just one incident among many?
They usually set up a specific spot to protest so it can be controlled. It is pretty common to get removed from any event if you are interrupting others right to view said event. She was probably warned to sit before being removed.