Ho Brah, you like da ono grinds at da kine?if you drop kick her...she'll get justice!
lol @ babies are drowning.
i think.the patois is tricky to understand even when they're feeling irie. affluent jamaican people sound like British people to me though
have you ever heard local hawaiians talk?
pidgin is something else even though it's english. i had a hard time knowing what the hell people were saying. finally 3 years later i figured out what da kine was and that malasadas were ono...and if ya throw up a shaka in traffic..anybody will let you cut in front of them.
nobody does that in florida..more likely to get flipped off while laying on the horn..or even see someone hold up their gun. road ragin' freaks.
couldn't really find any regular ol' people doing talk story..but this is kinda what it's like.
Plate luuuuunch!