Migrant (2nd gen?) brags about gang raping German virgin.

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View: http://m.liveleak.com/view?i=dc4_1450747201

There's the liveleak link.

Comments around online seem to say that he's at least 2nd or 3rd generation the way he speaking the German. Something to do with the vernacular in the slang being used.

Basically as best I can tell Europe has done a shit job of integrating these people with any sort of moderating force.

Bring them all in, no level of integration, and then act surprised that they still maintain these barbaric cultural standards.

In the US this motherfucker would be wearing Levis and ordering McDonalds in no time.

Mass waves of immigration only work if you have a plan for integration or the people coming already subscribe your way of life.

Deleted member 1

Disciplined Galt @Galt

When was the last time you were back to Sweden?

Long before any of the recent Syrian refugees, there are a lot of online rumblings that Sweden had taken in large quantities of refugees from various Middle East and African countries. To this day I still don't understand the context, but various online sources seem to indicate that none of them we're significally integrated and that was a real challenge for a country with a traditionally homogeneous population

Truth or Internet fiction?

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I have spent a lot of time around 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants, lived in one of the first areas to become a "no-go" zone in Stockholm.

Thing is that the U.S, Canada and Australia are built on migration, Europe is not.

Most of my immigrant friends never end up seeing themselves as Swedish, just Turks, Somalis, Nigerians or whatever. Within Europe are cultures are in general close enough that assimilation isn't that necessary. A Spanish or Greek guy not assimilating isn't that big of a deal. A Somali not embracing Swedish culture and the way of life is a disaster waiting to happen.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Agree on the difference between Europe and new world countries like Aus, US, Canada and NZ

Im a migrant living in Australia, consider myself Australian but if I was to live in say Norway how the fuck could I consider myself being Norwegian its an ethnicity not (just) a nationality, muslims seem to integrate into Australian society after a generation or two quite nicely in fact the first gen are fine the second and maybe third feel town between their parents and their current home's cultures and by the third and fourth they are just fine.

Lebanese were hated here for a long time but at my gym they are probably the easiest to get along with with the Syrians and Iranians being really fucking awkward, a little passive aggressive, unhygienic etc I predict their kids will be aggressive types like the Lebanese were a generation ago but their grand kids will be Aussie.

My people call ourselves Aussie as soon as we get here but then again the Australian Military isnt bombing our family back at home (like they are in the ME) so its easier I suppose.


Nov 3, 2015
Sounds like Turkish *-degree German, yes. But could also just be a dude making stuff up, sounds a little weird tbh.

And yes we have a lot of problems integrating some folks, not all mind you. Mainly Muslims who come from a rural setting that come into the big city and are very out of place and seek comfort with their own people that are already there. So you do have some subcultures forming. Its not as extreme as it sounds though. And you even have districts called china-town.. :p
But it is a two-way-street, you have to be willing to integrate.
And it really are mostly Turkish people, since we have a lot of them. Kurds and Arabs are usually better integrated.
It started in the 1960s when we took in a lot of Turks as migrant workers for physical labor. And naturally, not the sophisticated people from Turkey came, but the people that couldn't find a good job there and mostly came from farms in the Turkish rural areas. Those people were still very traditional in their culture and customs.
That carried over here, and they keep their families tight in a lot of cases. So even now if its 3rd-generation, and those kids have never seen Turkey themselves, they oftentimes see themselves as Turkish and not as German. But what are you going to do with those folks if they still don't integrate well? Those are not immigrants, those are normal citizens in all aspects of the law.

But really, I know a lot of Turkish people, naturally, and most are very normal and well integrated, even non-religious. But, some just are not.

And of course we have a plan, we always have a plan. ;) Can fail though.

But it is a little hypocritical to trash us like that while making yourself look so great @Splinty, seeing how young black men in urban centers are such a fantastic part of your society, is it not?

Deleted member 1

But it is a little hypocritical to trash us like that while making yourself look so great @Splinty, seeing how young black men in urban centers are such a fantastic part of your society, is it not?

We are talking about migration.

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Forced Migration is a different thing Qat. Where eactly did you come up like I said many times before, I came up in what is now a no go zone. You stray into that hood as an outsider you will get fucked up. End of story. My sisters friends who all went to a high so school went through hoops going to a house party and those cunts had to ask me for a fucking escprt out. lol I was 15 and these "men" were 19 and older.

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
How is it still migration if he is 3rd-generation?
Culture remains mate. I've got Jugo mates that are 3rd gen, wouldn't imagine going out with a piece and suedois that wouldn't dream of carrying anything more than a knife.


Some people just refuse to admit their world view isn't 100% correct and part of that is being unable to admit that repulsive cultural norms exist in every part of the world, one westernized example is apathy, one from middle eastern culture is rape.
Face it, those guys grew up in a culture that normalized and accepted rape to the point that an unreasonable burden of proof is on the victim to prove it, which oddly enough, is a total 180 from the west where a woman just has to accuse a man of it and he's already guilty in the court of public opinion.....unless he's an ethnic minority, for some reason those pieces of shit are being defended by the very people they're most likely to attack.
f'n weird world we live in.
edit* When I write "pieces of shit" I am referring specifically to guests who rape or mistreat their host nations.
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Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Nsh msng, nah. That's moral relativism. Some shit is just downright evil. And that's fucked, but some people are evil. The real problems come when the system accepts these evils.

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Yeah, I don't think newly arrived Sri Lankans are storming your squares on new years numbering in the thousands?

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Yeah, I don't think newly arrived Sri Lankans are storming your squares on new years numbering in the thousands?

Well a group of them approached some 7 year olds who were watching a concert at my local shopping center and sexually assaulted them then when their mothers tried to intervene they bashed their mothers in front of hundreds of people.

I dont see that as being any less evil.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Where the fuck have the balls of men gone?
Oh it got stopped with the quickness but it was a school holiday concert so there would have been mainly mums present and young kids.

If it had happened in a pub in that part of Sydney the pedos would be dead before the cops arrived.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Got the details wrong, its mainly the muslim refugees and the Sri Lankan gropped a woman not a kid.

Asylum seekers charged with criminal offences:

  • Javad Heydari, 35, from Afghanistan, allegedly stabbed a man to death and injured another in The Crescent, Berala, at 2am on September 6, 2013. He was charged with murder and causing wounding/grievous bodily harm to a person with the intent to murder and will appear in Burwood Local Court on July 14.
  • A 47-year-old Sri Lankan asylum seeker was accused of squeezing a woman’s bottom during a Ricky Martin concert at Parramatta Westfield on May 9 last year. He received a 12-month section nine good behaviour bond and the matter is no longer before the courts.
  • Mohammed Salem Nazari, 33, from Afghanistan, pleaded guilty to two counts of indecent assault after touching the thighs, bottoms and breasts of seven teenage girls at Sydney Olympic Park pool on December 8 last year. He was jailed for 14 months and will be deported once he has completed his sentence.
  • Daxchan Selvarajah, 21, from Sri Lanka, was charged for allegedly putting his hand down the pyjama pants of a student at Macquarie University while she was sleeping on February 21, 2013. He was charged with two counts of aggravated entering of a dwelling with intent to commit indecent assault and one count of indecent assault. He will appear at Parramatta District Court on September 1.
  • Rubel Sheikh, 26, from Bangladesh, was ordered to serve 15 months in jail for indecently assaulting a visually impaired woman on July 17 last year. He touched her on the thigh and breast, and asked for “a goodbye kiss” at Ashfield station.
  • A 39-year-old asylum seeker from Sri Lanka was charged with assault with an act of indecency for attacking a pregnant teacher in Quakers Hill. He will appear in Blacktown Local Court on July 16.
  • Jayakodiarchige Appuhamy, 25, was charged with two counts of sexual assault for allegedly raping a 15-year-old girl while on a church camp in Dee Why on August 22 and 23, last year. He had his bail refused and will appear for trial at Parramatta District Court on September 29.
  • About 30 asylum seekers released into the community have been charged with a range of offences, including people smuggling and paedophilia.