PC just went full retard (military related)

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Posting Machine
Jun 25, 2015
Wow. Good for them. I stand corrected! I will promptly unfuck my unsat ass! I wonder how they did or are doing in their units?

I dont think they have been integrated into units yet. Not as of 6 months ago. But some law just passed allowing it so if they are qualed, then it wont be long. Personally, i think its a bad idea.

member 1013

Ronda Rousey isn't just a once in a lifetime marine, she's a once EVER marine.


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I wouldn't have been very happy if a woman ended up in my unit. I just can't wrap my head around the idea of it. There are SOOO many issues that would come up (monthly, pregnancy, physical, ...) I have no problem with them in the POG (personnel other than grunt) roles though. I love foul mouthed chicks with tats!


Wait a minute they went to ITB not SOI? Unless something has changed that's not the same thing. I went a long time ago so it is possible.
If you went a long time ago, I guarantee your shit was harder.


I'm just here for the rumham
Aug 4, 2015
Yea, she gets called a Marine that's her unisex title. That's her title. You may not like this check it @Check it but imo there should be all of zero women in my beloved Corps. They should all be blue side in support roles. Women in combat roles in the Marines is a horrible idea. Anyone who's been on ship has seen all the wookies sent home from getting preggers while on deployment. Now put those women with a bunch of fucking savages, because it's what us combat Marines are, and it's a recipe for disaster.
Buddy of mine did his 4 years in the marines. His opinion boiled down to this: If a man in his team got hit by fire, he was not confident, at all, that a woman would be able to leave cover and physically move this 200+ lbs man to safety (combat gear and bag notwithstanding). He believed that no man should risk bleeding out in an open area because the only person that can get to him isn't physically strong enough to save his life. I can't say I disagree with him.


I'll say this from experience:

It's a rare woman indeed that is not at worst a hindrance, and at best a distraction in war. They exist, but it's close to finding a unicorn.


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
If you went a long time ago, I guarantee your shit was harder.
When I was in ITB (pog's only) was only 2-3 weeks? But my SOI class was 7 weeks? The last week in the field ended with a 22-23 mile ruck march (never knew what the total was) Is it different now? Fuck me I'm getting old.


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I did kind of go off track: boot vs ITB vs SOI. but even a female marine I know agrees that boot camp should be seperate. Imagine pugilsticks or combat arms against a female. CORPSMAN UP!!!


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
When I was in ITB (pog's only) was only 2-3 weeks? But my SOI class was 7 weeks? The last week in the field ended with a 22-23 mile ruck march (never knew what the total was) Is it different now? Fuck me I'm getting old.
You are confusing ITB and MCT homie


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I'm just trying to imagine a chick getting punched by some 0311/03##.... After pissing him off because she caused fuck-fuck games to be played during down time! Those that have been there know it happens to each other a lot.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I'm just trying to imagine a chick getting punched by some 0311/03##.... After pissing him off because she caused fuck-fuck games to be played during down time! Those that have been there know it happens to each other a lot.
Fuck ya it does. I was an 08 not 03 but we beat the fuck out of each other. One time me and this dude knocked down like 200 arty rounds and the powder tent beating the fuck out of each other because of a disagreement....


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Fuck ya it does. I was an 08 not 03 but we beat the fuck out of each other. One time me and this dude knocked down like 200 arty rounds and the powder tent beating the fuck out of each other because of a disagreement....
That made me laugh way too hard! I can just picture it now.... "Dear gunny no one was more surprised than I... It just fell down!"

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
3 months into basic I smacked the fuck out of our liaisons guy, then those idiots sent me to Liberia with an Irish battalion. I didn't stay on base much.


too high to rigg
Oct 21, 2015
well... if u look at the history, i think it was huge MAJORITY of MEN that actually fought and had those roles, so Rifleman is right cuz there was never a Riflewoman that fought in battles, (maybe got engaged in a convoy mission). Its crazy how Secretary of the Navy makes these decisions. What a fagg, he must be butthurt about the Marine Corps is the Men's Department in Department of the Navy joke.