How tedious, drab, and predictably boring your response was!
Nobody was expecting you to be the Second Shakespeare, but God that interview was just unbearably uninteresting...
With that said, I did manage to pan out a few flecks of shiny metal from your odious, inane verbal slurry which hopefully will assist you in realizing things that everyone, including even yourself, subconsciously, already know.
As you blow up Dana White's phone with texts begging/bullying him into giving you a fight, as you pester Lorenzo, as you carpet-bomb Joe Silva with requests for immediate gratification of your desires (Narcissist's emotional maturity reaches a plateau at around the 7-year-old level), you care nothing for how your needs could negatively affect the Company. The UFC has a competitive architecture and rankings, which help determine who should fight who, which keeps the fans engaged, and interested, in competitive fights between athletes. They have sponsorship arrangements with corporations that have interests in other sports, with rankings, qualifications, playoffs, quantifiable estimations of current circumstances, that allow fans to follow the action and develop a trust, and belief, in the inherent aspects of rewarding effort with opportunity. You believe, and expect them to convince the people they pay to fight hard, and train, and lay it all on the line against the BEST competition (the "Fighters") and the people who keep the lights on at the office (the "Fans") that you should be allowed to "jump the line" simply because you WANT it. And you've shown in the past your reckless, juvenile propensity for lashing out at the Company when your desires aren't given priority, haven't you, you devious, vindictive, entitled, little prick? When you were denied immediate gratification, you took your ball and went home to Mommy like the obnoxious, toxic, selfish snot-nosed asshole you are.
The moral vacuum you inhabit is a landscape littered with the charred stumps of associations and "friendships" you destroyed in your decades-long, doomed endeavor of creating and supporting an image. There is no fertile soil that would allow things like collaboration, mutually beneficial arrangements, or overlapping positive objectives in a team format to grow. You teach nobody. You share nothing. You take, and you use what you take to support an image only you believe has any depth. Here's a concept about your fellow-fighters that you'll never grasp in the solitary, soulless universe between your ears:
We all talk.
We have to fight each other because it's our job. But we share common goals, and we believe in the greater good, and we treat each other with respect, and empathy. We have a code of self-governance that we believe in, even if we disagree about things. But one thing we all agree on....
Nobody trusts you.
None of the fighters trust you. Neither do your worthless enabling stooges. They know, in their hearts, that you are committed only to your own singular desires, and their position in your orbit is based on fulfilling those desires alone. You've demonstrated this yourself, haven't you? When your treacherous, murderous rage left one of them unconscious and bleeding and busted open on the filthy carpet of a sketchy hot-sheet motel? Looking into your eyes in your mug-shot is like staring down a long, dark, hole leading nowhere. God help those poor devils that have to attend to you while fearing for their personal safety. They are all trapped in a dysfunctional, co-dependent relationship with a violent oppressor. (That would be...YOU).
LINK: Nik Lentz answers B.J. Penn (again), says the HOFer is an 'embarrassment to legacy and family'