VID I am an Islamist and I am a Feminist

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Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Today, society’s most prominent ills are frequently attributed to Islam. Islam’s own view is then dismissed. Given the daily misfortunes we witness, the urge to have a catch-all blame name is understandable. However, that does not mitigate the absurdity of this practice.

Gender discrimination is one of the most overwhelming and ill-founded allegations used to discredit Islam. Yet gender discrimination does not actually exist in Islam — I know, bold claim. To prove this, below are five popular myths (gathered from Facebook, my informal pollster) which perpetuate this gross stereotype. Each will be addressed in turn, with reference to evidence-based analysis.

The purpose of this article is not to enforce any ideology. Rather, it is to correct entrenched misconceptions by use of objective fact.

Myth 1: “Islam practices FGM (Female Genital Mutilation).”

There is no evidence to corroborate this from within Islam or otherwise.

According to UNICEF, Ethiopia and Nigeria total 43.7 million out of 125 million FGM cases in the 29 countries studied. That is two of the oldest Christian states already counting for 35% of victims.

FGM is evidently rooted in central African culture. It is a regional practice, not a religious one.

Myth 2: “Muslim women are not allowed to receive an education. Muslims are taught against Science.”

Islam specifically encourages education and the pursuit of knowledge — be it in research or study.

“[20:114] … And say: My Lord increase me in knowledge.”

Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 74: “Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim.”

The word “Muslim” is inclusive of both men and women.

In fact, this notion of education is so strong in Islam that Muslims are required to question the Quran itself:

“[38:29] … (They) may ponder over its Verses, and that those of understanding would be reminded.”

This is not lost in practice. Fatima al-Fihri, a Muslim woman in the 9th century, was responsible for establishing the world’s very first University (in existence to this day as the University of al-Qarawiyyin in Fes, Morocco).

Myth 3: “A wife at home has no right to any property, financial security, or to work; if she asks for a divorce, she must return her dowry and has no rights.”

The earliest notion of women owning property in Europe were laws passed in the 1860s onward known as the “Married Women Property Acts.” French women had to wait until 1938 to be able to enter a contract.

1,300 years before that, Islam clarified a woman’s right to own property, work, and further material entitlements for the sake of independence.

Islam respects a woman’s right to financial security. Women are entitled to a limitless personal dowry upon marriage (“gift”), irrevocable in divorce or disagreement. This is in contrast to many Asian cultures where men receive the dowry.

A woman also has the right to keep her last name, property she owned prior to marriage, and any income earned during marriage. Her property is recognised as hers alone rather than “for the household” or “for the man.”

If a divorcee has children, she is entitled to child support. Islam is aware of the bitterness which can accompany divorce and preempts it:

“[2:231] When you divorce women, and they reach their prescribed term, then retain them in kindness and retain them not for injury so that you transgress (the limits) …”

Therefore, instead of a religion which oppresses women in material matters, Islam seeks to safeguard and empower them.

Myth 4: “Women are overlooked — they have no say nor importance in Islam. If they dare to interject, they will be criminalised.”

More than half of Islam comes from a woman. ‘Aisha (RA) narrated over two thousand Hadith (major source of guidance for Muslims) and is noted for teaching eminent scholars.

No other major religion ordains a female as an authority used to cite religious virtues. Much less, a figurehead who exerted influence on men and women, while residing over them in politics, society, and inspiration.

The Prophet’s first wife Khadijah (twice widowed before) was a businesswoman, one of the wealthiest in Arabia. Khadijah (RA) was the first woman to accept Islam.

To disregard a woman in Islam, is to disregard the consideration given to them through Islam. Even 1,400 years ago, there were women outstanding above their male peers. To say women should not “dare to interject”, when 1.5 billion Muslims across the world look to a woman’s work in guidance of their faith, is neither logical nor sane.

Myth 5: “Showing disrespect to a woman is fine — a man’s status is higher than her.”

The Quran explicitly refutes this countless times.

“[3:195] Their Lord responded to them: “I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female — you are equal to one another.”

“[4:124] As for those who lead a righteous life, male or female, while believing, they enter Paradise; without the slightest injustice.”

“[49:13] O people, we created you from the same male and female, and rendered you distinct peoples and tribes, that you may recognize one another.”

At a time when equal rights between tribes was unthinkable, let alone between men and women, the Quran would constantly reinforce this notion of equality

The global attitude towards women at this time was disastrous. The West held councils to decide whether women had “souls” and regarded them as objects to be bought and sold. Practically the same situation encompassed Arabia.

Considering this, for a religion to envisage that a mother has “Paradise beneath her feet” was radical in its justice. Let alone that “Daughters are a blessing: they are kind, helpful, good companions, blessed, and like cleanliness,” or to teach that men must “Dwell with their wives in kindness for even if you hate them, you might be hating someone in whom God has placed so much good,” is progressive to say the least, and revolutionary in all fairness.

Far from a man’s status being higher than that of a woman, Islam goes as far as entitling women to natural protection should they require it.

Islam recognises the differing physiology of both sexes and puts a duty on men to spend their wealth in favour of the woman (from the Quran’s reference to “a degree above them“). Women are also given breaks from prayer, fasting, and other religious obligations depending on their necessity.

Islam not only perpetuates an unequivocal equality, but also acknowledges those inherent scientific differences and addresses them with justice, kindness, and responsibility. Yes, a religion which actually takes science into account when dealing with people.


This is a religion which unleashed tolerance and equality at a time where girls were being buried alive simply for their gender. Islam questioned this “… When the infant girl, buried alive, is asked for what crime she was slain?

A time when slavery was an accepted reality, Islam evoked the freeing of a slave among the best actions a human could take.

It is worth contrasting this religion which enacted a woman’s right to participate in government, own property, an education, child support, welfare, financial earnings, professional development, capacity for individuality, and human rights 1,400 years ago, with those that label it a beacon of gender discrimination.

Critics label Islam a religion “of the Middle Ages” — yet the aforementioned simple extracts from this “medieval” faith show an ideology timeless in its righteousness, be it the Middle Ages or the Renaissance.

For instance, progress towards women’s rights in Britain had to wait until the Suffragettes; even to this day there is a disparity in those rights. Wage inequality for example, is still an issue in Europe and the US. Islam on the other hand institutionalised gender equality upon its inception — in far worse circumstances.

Whatever men earn, they have a share of that and whatever women earn, they have a share in that.

Whether that has been correctly implemented by self-proclaimed “Shari’a states” is a different debate entirely, however, reference to primary sources ascertains the real value regarded to women in Islam.

Islam eradicated any “acceptable” inequality more than a thousand years ago. While world religions squabbled over vilifying women for “the Original Sin,” Islam stepped in and said both man and woman were responsible, they were both forgiven, and they are both equal.

Islam Is Actually A Feminist Religion: 5 Myths About Islam


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Today, society’s most prominent ills are frequently attributed to Islam. Islam’s own view is then dismissed. Given the daily misfortunes we witness, the urge to have a catch-all blame name is understandable. However, that does not mitigate the absurdity of this practice.

Gender discrimination is one of the most overwhelming and ill-founded allegations used to discredit Islam. Yet gender discrimination does not actually exist in Islam — I know, bold claim. To prove this, below are five popular myths (gathered from Facebook, my informal pollster) which perpetuate this gross stereotype. Each will be addressed in turn, with reference to evidence-based analysis.

The purpose of this article is not to enforce any ideology. Rather, it is to correct entrenched misconceptions by use of objective fact.

Myth 1: “Islam practices FGM (Female Genital Mutilation).”

There is no evidence to corroborate this from within Islam or otherwise.

According to UNICEF, Ethiopia and Nigeria total 43.7 million out of 125 million FGM cases in the 29 countries studied. That is two of the oldest Christian states already counting for 35% of victims.

FGM is evidently rooted in central African culture. It is a regional practice, not a religious one.

Myth 2: “Muslim women are not allowed to receive an education. Muslims are taught against Science.”

Islam specifically encourages education and the pursuit of knowledge — be it in research or study.

“[20:114] … And say: My Lord increase me in knowledge.”

Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 74: “Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim.”

The word “Muslim” is inclusive of both men and women.

In fact, this notion of education is so strong in Islam that Muslims are required to question the Quran itself:

“[38:29] … (They) may ponder over its Verses, and that those of understanding would be reminded.”

This is not lost in practice. Fatima al-Fihri, a Muslim woman in the 9th century, was responsible for establishing the world’s very first University (in existence to this day as the University of al-Qarawiyyin in Fes, Morocco).

Myth 3: “A wife at home has no right to any property, financial security, or to work; if she asks for a divorce, she must return her dowry and has no rights.”

The earliest notion of women owning property in Europe were laws passed in the 1860s onward known as the “Married Women Property Acts.” French women had to wait until 1938 to be able to enter a contract.

1,300 years before that, Islam clarified a woman’s right to own property, work, and further material entitlements for the sake of independence.

Islam respects a woman’s right to financial security. Women are entitled to a limitless personal dowry upon marriage (“gift”), irrevocable in divorce or disagreement. This is in contrast to many Asian cultures where men receive the dowry.

A woman also has the right to keep her last name, property she owned prior to marriage, and any income earned during marriage. Her property is recognised as hers alone rather than “for the household” or “for the man.”

If a divorcee has children, she is entitled to child support. Islam is aware of the bitterness which can accompany divorce and preempts it:

“[2:231] When you divorce women, and they reach their prescribed term, then retain them in kindness and retain them not for injury so that you transgress (the limits) …”

Therefore, instead of a religion which oppresses women in material matters, Islam seeks to safeguard and empower them.

Myth 4: “Women are overlooked — they have no say nor importance in Islam. If they dare to interject, they will be criminalised.”

More than half of Islam comes from a woman. ‘Aisha (RA) narrated over two thousand Hadith (major source of guidance for Muslims) and is noted for teaching eminent scholars.

No other major religion ordains a female as an authority used to cite religious virtues. Much less, a figurehead who exerted influence on men and women, while residing over them in politics, society, and inspiration.

The Prophet’s first wife Khadijah (twice widowed before) was a businesswoman, one of the wealthiest in Arabia. Khadijah (RA) was the first woman to accept Islam.

To disregard a woman in Islam, is to disregard the consideration given to them through Islam. Even 1,400 years ago, there were women outstanding above their male peers. To say women should not “dare to interject”, when 1.5 billion Muslims across the world look to a woman’s work in guidance of their faith, is neither logical nor sane.

Myth 5: “Showing disrespect to a woman is fine — a man’s status is higher than her.”

The Quran explicitly refutes this countless times.

“[3:195] Their Lord responded to them: “I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female — you are equal to one another.”

“[4:124] As for those who lead a righteous life, male or female, while believing, they enter Paradise; without the slightest injustice.”

“[49:13] O people, we created you from the same male and female, and rendered you distinct peoples and tribes, that you may recognize one another.”

At a time when equal rights between tribes was unthinkable, let alone between men and women, the Quran would constantly reinforce this notion of equality

The global attitude towards women at this time was disastrous. The West held councils to decide whether women had “souls” and regarded them as objects to be bought and sold. Practically the same situation encompassed Arabia.

Considering this, for a religion to envisage that a mother has “Paradise beneath her feet” was radical in its justice. Let alone that “Daughters are a blessing: they are kind, helpful, good companions, blessed, and like cleanliness,” or to teach that men must “Dwell with their wives in kindness for even if you hate them, you might be hating someone in whom God has placed so much good,” is progressive to say the least, and revolutionary in all fairness.

Far from a man’s status being higher than that of a woman, Islam goes as far as entitling women to natural protection should they require it.

Islam recognises the differing physiology of both sexes and puts a duty on men to spend their wealth in favour of the woman (from the Quran’s reference to “a degree above them“). Women are also given breaks from prayer, fasting, and other religious obligations depending on their necessity.

Islam not only perpetuates an unequivocal equality, but also acknowledges those inherent scientific differences and addresses them with justice, kindness, and responsibility. Yes, a religion which actually takes science into account when dealing with people.


This is a religion which unleashed tolerance and equality at a time where girls were being buried alive simply for their gender. Islam questioned this “… When the infant girl, buried alive, is asked for what crime she was slain?

A time when slavery was an accepted reality, Islam evoked the freeing of a slave among the best actions a human could take.

It is worth contrasting this religion which enacted a woman’s right to participate in government, own property, an education, child support, welfare, financial earnings, professional development, capacity for individuality, and human rights 1,400 years ago, with those that label it a beacon of gender discrimination.

Critics label Islam a religion “of the Middle Ages” — yet the aforementioned simple extracts from this “medieval” faith show an ideology timeless in its righteousness, be it the Middle Ages or the Renaissance.

For instance, progress towards women’s rights in Britain had to wait until the Suffragettes; even to this day there is a disparity in those rights. Wage inequality for example, is still an issue in Europe and the US. Islam on the other hand institutionalised gender equality upon its inception — in far worse circumstances.

Whatever men earn, they have a share of that and whatever women earn, they have a share in that.

Whether that has been correctly implemented by self-proclaimed “Shari’a states” is a different debate entirely, however, reference to primary sources ascertains the real value regarded to women in Islam.

Islam eradicated any “acceptable” inequality more than a thousand years ago. While world religions squabbled over vilifying women for “the Original Sin,” Islam stepped in and said both man and woman were responsible, they were both forgiven, and they are both equal.

Islam Is Actually A Feminist Religion: 5 Myths About Islam
That's a poor argument and a non sequitur. Disproving some claims doesn't mean that other claims are untrue.

The following isn't from an Islamophobic site, its from

Load more
Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
That's a poor argument and a non sequitur. Disproving some claims doesn't mean that other claims are untrue.

Load more
Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.
I meant to dissect it and tear it apart.

1st point about having the first university for example is bullshit, that honor goes to India well before they had one, it was a Buddhist University called Nalanda unfortunately it was raised to the ground by......Muslims for not having a Koran in it lol

"Muhammad-i-Bakht-yar, by the force of his intrepidity, threw himself into the postern of the gateway of the place, and they captured the fortress, and acquired great booty. The greater number of the inhabitants of that place were Brahmans, and the whole of those Brahmans had their heads shaven; and they were all slain. There were a great number of books there; and, when all these books came under the observation of the Musalmans, they summoned a number of Hindus that they might give them information respecting the import of those books; but the whole of the Hindus had been killed. On becoming acquainted [with the contents of those books], it was found that the whole of that fortress and city was a college, and in the Hindui tongue, they call a college [مدرسه] Bihar."

My fault, should always finish what you start eh

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
All of my knowledge of Islam derives from my Uncle Hammed. According to him a woman's hindquarters shall be firm yet fat enough to jiggle just right when spanked.


Too weird to live, too rare to die.
Dec 2, 2015
All of my knowledge of Islam derives from my Uncle Hammed. According to him a woman's hindquarters shall be firm yet fat enough to jiggle just right when spanked.
This man your uncle....he is very wise.


Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
He also told me never to accept a glass of juice from a Jew. Mixed bag.

Edit: I don't think I ever have oddly enough.

Deleted member 1

Today, society’s most prominent ills are frequently attributed to Islam. Islam’s own view is then dismissed. Given the daily misfortunes we witness, the urge to have a catch-all blame name is understandable. However, that does not mitigate the absurdity of this practice.

Gender discrimination is one of the most overwhelming and ill-founded allegations used to discredit Islam. Yet gender discrimination does not actually exist in Islam — I know, bold claim. To prove this, below are five popular myths (gathered from Facebook, my informal pollster) which perpetuate this gross stereotype. Each will be addressed in turn, with reference to evidence-based analysis.

The purpose of this article is not to enforce any ideology. Rather, it is to correct entrenched misconceptions by use of objective fact.

Myth 1: “Islam practices FGM (Female Genital Mutilation).”

There is no evidence to corroborate this from within Islam or otherwise.

According to UNICEF, Ethiopia and Nigeria total 43.7 million out of 125 million FGM cases in the 29 countries studied. That is two of the oldest Christian states already counting for 35% of victims.

FGM is evidently rooted in central African culture. It is a regional practice, not a religious one.

Myth 2: “Muslim women are not allowed to receive an education. Muslims are taught against Science.”

Islam specifically encourages education and the pursuit of knowledge — be it in research or study.

“[20:114] … And say: My Lord increase me in knowledge.”

Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 74: “Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim.”

The word “Muslim” is inclusive of both men and women.

In fact, this notion of education is so strong in Islam that Muslims are required to question the Quran itself:

“[38:29] … (They) may ponder over its Verses, and that those of understanding would be reminded.”

This is not lost in practice. Fatima al-Fihri, a Muslim woman in the 9th century, was responsible for establishing the world’s very first University (in existence to this day as the University of al-Qarawiyyin in Fes, Morocco).

Myth 3: “A wife at home has no right to any property, financial security, or to work; if she asks for a divorce, she must return her dowry and has no rights.”

The earliest notion of women owning property in Europe were laws passed in the 1860s onward known as the “Married Women Property Acts.” French women had to wait until 1938 to be able to enter a contract.

1,300 years before that, Islam clarified a woman’s right to own property, work, and further material entitlements for the sake of independence.

Islam respects a woman’s right to financial security. Women are entitled to a limitless personal dowry upon marriage (“gift”), irrevocable in divorce or disagreement. This is in contrast to many Asian cultures where men receive the dowry.

A woman also has the right to keep her last name, property she owned prior to marriage, and any income earned during marriage. Her property is recognised as hers alone rather than “for the household” or “for the man.”

If a divorcee has children, she is entitled to child support. Islam is aware of the bitterness which can accompany divorce and preempts it:

“[2:231] When you divorce women, and they reach their prescribed term, then retain them in kindness and retain them not for injury so that you transgress (the limits) …”

Therefore, instead of a religion which oppresses women in material matters, Islam seeks to safeguard and empower them.

Myth 4: “Women are overlooked — they have no say nor importance in Islam. If they dare to interject, they will be criminalised.”

More than half of Islam comes from a woman. ‘Aisha (RA) narrated over two thousand Hadith (major source of guidance for Muslims) and is noted for teaching eminent scholars.

No other major religion ordains a female as an authority used to cite religious virtues. Much less, a figurehead who exerted influence on men and women, while residing over them in politics, society, and inspiration.

The Prophet’s first wife Khadijah (twice widowed before) was a businesswoman, one of the wealthiest in Arabia. Khadijah (RA) was the first woman to accept Islam.

To disregard a woman in Islam, is to disregard the consideration given to them through Islam. Even 1,400 years ago, there were women outstanding above their male peers. To say women should not “dare to interject”, when 1.5 billion Muslims across the world look to a woman’s work in guidance of their faith, is neither logical nor sane.

Myth 5: “Showing disrespect to a woman is fine — a man’s status is higher than her.”

The Quran explicitly refutes this countless times.

“[3:195] Their Lord responded to them: “I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female — you are equal to one another.”

“[4:124] As for those who lead a righteous life, male or female, while believing, they enter Paradise; without the slightest injustice.”

“[49:13] O people, we created you from the same male and female, and rendered you distinct peoples and tribes, that you may recognize one another.”

At a time when equal rights between tribes was unthinkable, let alone between men and women, the Quran would constantly reinforce this notion of equality

The global attitude towards women at this time was disastrous. The West held councils to decide whether women had “souls” and regarded them as objects to be bought and sold. Practically the same situation encompassed Arabia.

Considering this, for a religion to envisage that a mother has “Paradise beneath her feet” was radical in its justice. Let alone that “Daughters are a blessing: they are kind, helpful, good companions, blessed, and like cleanliness,” or to teach that men must “Dwell with their wives in kindness for even if you hate them, you might be hating someone in whom God has placed so much good,” is progressive to say the least, and revolutionary in all fairness.

Far from a man’s status being higher than that of a woman, Islam goes as far as entitling women to natural protection should they require it.

Islam recognises the differing physiology of both sexes and puts a duty on men to spend their wealth in favour of the woman (from the Quran’s reference to “a degree above them“). Women are also given breaks from prayer, fasting, and other religious obligations depending on their necessity.

Islam not only perpetuates an unequivocal equality, but also acknowledges those inherent scientific differences and addresses them with justice, kindness, and responsibility. Yes, a religion which actually takes science into account when dealing with people.


This is a religion which unleashed tolerance and equality at a time where girls were being buried alive simply for their gender. Islam questioned this “… When the infant girl, buried alive, is asked for what crime she was slain?

A time when slavery was an accepted reality, Islam evoked the freeing of a slave among the best actions a human could take.

It is worth contrasting this religion which enacted a woman’s right to participate in government, own property, an education, child support, welfare, financial earnings, professional development, capacity for individuality, and human rights 1,400 years ago, with those that label it a beacon of gender discrimination.

Critics label Islam a religion “of the Middle Ages” — yet the aforementioned simple extracts from this “medieval” faith show an ideology timeless in its righteousness, be it the Middle Ages or the Renaissance.

For instance, progress towards women’s rights in Britain had to wait until the Suffragettes; even to this day there is a disparity in those rights. Wage inequality for example, is still an issue in Europe and the US. Islam on the other hand institutionalised gender equality upon its inception — in far worse circumstances.

Whatever men earn, they have a share of that and whatever women earn, they have a share in that.

Whether that has been correctly implemented by self-proclaimed “Shari’a states” is a different debate entirely, however, reference to primary sources ascertains the real value regarded to women in Islam.

Islam eradicated any “acceptable” inequality more than a thousand years ago. While world religions squabbled over vilifying women for “the Original Sin,” Islam stepped in and said both man and woman were responsible, they were both forgiven, and they are both equal.

Islam Is Actually A Feminist Religion: 5 Myths About Islam

This feels like a "no true Scotsman" argument.

As is, Islam consistently disenfranchises women. Whether there is genital mutilation or not is of no consequence.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
This feels like a "no true Scotsman" argument.

As is, Islam consistently disenfranchises women. Whether there is genital mutilation or not is of no consequence.

Well yes it does, I meant to pull it apart but forgot.

I reckon the west disenfranchises women just in a very different manner, let me count the ways;

- Career before motherhood, in every single western nation except the US women get paid maternity leave which costs the state billions and doesnt address their biological clock. Its considered sexist to point out the ideal childbearing years for a female in Australia, instant dismal in some workplaces, I got a first and final formal written warning for it at a lunch.

- Western culture rewards female sexual aggressiveness and promiscuity, works for men not so much for women. At a very crude level just compare a porn start vagina at the start of her career to 3 years into it.

- Pushes women to try to intellectual equals of men when they simply are not, males on average score 5 points above their socio-economic & geographic female counterparts and produce twice as many geniuses, thats with an education system heavy female bias (passive classroom learning). Ive not heard one solid agreement for their being gender bias in IQ testing, cultural yes but given the same environment, nutrition and education males are a few deviations ahead of females in intelligence but the west wont allow it to be discussed and adjusted for. These are averages we are talking about so yes there are many women smarter than me lol

- The west gives women an inflates sense of self worth, just on this site I made a comment that I didnt like watching women's MMA, I had a few females jump down my throat claiming that female MMA fighters are as good as males, I didnt want to be a dick and point out that in addition to weight classes there are gender classes too, for good reason. This is due to brainwashing of the western female by a largely left leaning education industry. If you were to ask my wife or female family members raised in the east if a female is capable of fighting a male of equal size and skill they would be rightly amused. If McGregor and Rousey met at a catch but the western woman aint buying it she's been told otherwise (to get her vote) .

I could go on but im tired and withdrawing from nicotine addiction.

So I put it to you my dear friend that the west is not inherently superior to Islam in its treatment of women, its just better at selling its bullshit. Every single muslim female family friend & colleague I have (12) was pushed to get an undergraduate degree by their fathers (and mothers), was pressured into childbearing shortly after finishing their studies and marrying and have all now successfully entered the workforce with grade school aged children. Ive worked with bucket loads of non muslim women in their 30's who have pretty much missed the bus to biological fulfillment - procreation.

Ill shut up but one last thing - Muslim and a large portion of Hindu mother live as follows where Im from (both are very well represented) Raise kids, meet friends for lunch/coffee, go home do some housework then make dinner and spend the evening with their family.

Western raised Mother- Drop kids off at child care as young as 3 months old, get to work early to work their compressed hours, leave work early get to child care, leave kid with dad who they have communicated with almost entirely by text message all day, head off for some shitty netball game, grab chicken breast and greek salad from supermarket get home eat and sleep.

I know which Id prefer if I was a woman for me AND my children.


Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Excellent post. Just because people call it equality doesn't make it so. Now I'm gonna have a cigarette.


I reckon

Who gives a fuck?

If you have enough hate in your heart to worry about race You really should mix with people more.

Not even joking.

My 2 cents.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Someone got banned on this subject? I'm not shocked


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
I reckon

Who gives a fuck?

If you have enough hate in your heart to worry about race You really should mix with people more.

Not even joking.

My 2 cents.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! We're all the same, struggling with complexity , getting by as best we can with the tools we have; in the environment we're given. Fuck race, what colour do you bleed!



Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Well yes it does, I meant to pull it apart but forgot.

I reckon the west disenfranchises women just in a very different manner, let me count the ways;

- Career before motherhood, in every single western nation except the US women get paid maternity leave which costs the state billions and doesnt address their biological clock. Its considered sexist to point out the ideal childbearing years for a female in Australia, instant dismal in some workplaces, I got a first and final formal written warning for it at a lunch.

- Western culture rewards female sexual aggressiveness and promiscuity, works for men not so much for women. At a very crude level just compare a porn start vagina at the start of her career to 3 years into it.

- Pushes women to try to intellectual equals of men when they simply are not, males on average score 5 points above their socio-economic & geographic female counterparts and produce twice as many geniuses, thats with an education system heavy female bias (passive classroom learning). Ive not heard one solid agreement for their being gender bias in IQ testing, cultural yes but given the same environment, nutrition and education males are a few deviations ahead of females in intelligence but the west wont allow it to be discussed and adjusted for. These are averages we are talking about so yes there are many women smarter than me lol

- The west gives women an inflates sense of self worth, just on this site I made a comment that I didnt like watching women's MMA, I had a few females jump down my throat claiming that female MMA fighters are as good as males, I didnt want to be a dick and point out that in addition to weight classes there are gender classes too, for good reason. This is due to brainwashing of the western female by a largely left leaning education industry. If you were to ask my wife or female family members raised in the east if a female is capable of fighting a male of equal size and skill they would be rightly amused. If McGregor and Rousey met at a catch but the western woman aint buying it she's been told otherwise (to get her vote) .

I could go on but im tired and withdrawing from nicotine addiction.

So I put it to you my dear friend that the west is not inherently superior to Islam in its treatment of women, its just better at selling its bullshit. Every single muslim female family friend & colleague I have (12) was pushed to get an undergraduate degree by their fathers (and mothers), was pressured into childbearing shortly after finishing their studies and marrying and have all now successfully entered the workforce with grade school aged children. Ive worked with bucket loads of non muslim women in their 30's who have pretty much missed the bus to biological fulfillment - procreation.

Ill shut up but one last thing - Muslim and a large portion of Hindu mother live as follows where Im from (both are very well represented) Raise kids, meet friends for lunch/coffee, go home do some housework then make dinner and spend the evening with their family.

Western raised Mother- Drop kids off at child care as young as 3 months old, get to work early to work their compressed hours, leave work early get to child care, leave kid with dad who they have communicated with almost entirely by text message all day, head off for some shitty netball game, grab chicken breast and greek salad from supermarket get home eat and sleep.

I know which Id prefer if I was a woman for me AND my children.

LOL I disagree with quite a lot of this but I've already unfairly given you a rainbow on this thread
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Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
LOL I disagree with quite a lit of this but I've already unfairly given you a rainbow on this thread
Rainbow away mate doesnt bother me in the slightest, id do it myself for you if I could.

Pick the 3 points you most strongly disagree with and lets do this. If you would be so kind as to commence your rebuttal with "You are wrong and here's why" I would be delighted :)