Politician GP Prelims1: Tony Abbott vs Rob Ford

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Tony Abbott vs Rob Ford

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Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Prelims 1: Tony Abbott vs Rob Ford

Tony Abbott - BJTT_Kiwi @BJTT_Kiwi vs Rob Ford - La Paix @BirdWatcher

Arena: Home town advantage! Rob Ford's crack dealer's house with media outside

Win is by KO/death. Fleeing the battle is a DQ. Battlefield removal (BFR) is allowed but does not automatically equal a win; you must still defeat your opponent.

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Super Dave

The party’s over
Dec 28, 2015
We only hear about him on a superficial level down here in the States. I'm surprised to hear he still has public favor!
I didn't think his tales would reach too far outside our borders.
His popularity has faded but for a while he held in uncomfortably high regards.

I think it fell under the whole train wreck theory. People just couldn't look away.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 22, 2015
I'm going to go with the smaller, semi-retarded ex- rugby player who had a Rhodes scholarship in boxing over the fun, fat crackhead.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
So I guess it's on with the Aussie...

I'm in my crack dealers house surrounded by media, first decision I gotta make is to llay it cool and take convict by surprise or spark that shit and transform into Super Saiyan Ford and kill this good with the quickness.....

Option B it is.

Ford hits that shit, larts the sea of reporters waiting to witness a murder and prepares for battle.

As The Aussie starts to get a visual of his future death sentence he can't help but have images that have haunted him since the fight announcement, Ford has street cred and is hard as fuck compared to this pussy. Even if Rob gets tagged he doubts any follow up finishing blows as his opposition is scared stiff of the ramifications if this doesn't go his way.

Yup, dirty Toronto drug dealers looking for a big fish to claim a victim. In the big picture these guys are pathetic but to a straight edge Prime Minister type they may as well be God Fucking Zilla.

The drugs are kicking in, Robs got that look in his eye Joe! We got about 8 minutes of super powers to witness before any sort of chance of Rob needing a second wind






My member is more well known than yours
Jun 25, 2015
What an opening flurry...
To bad that fat boy doesn't stand a chance against our man of the cloth.

Retort for Abbo to come in 3 hours. Brace yourself La Paix @BirdWatcher


My member is more well known than yours
Jun 25, 2015
And fat boy leads with a crack fuelled flurry, because he knows he is going to gas.
It is his only chance - well, that and several AA & NA meetings.

Normally the sight of an obese man raising his fists is scary, but lets be real here.
God is on Tony's side. Just like Mark Hunt, Vitor Belfort and so many other big hitters.

Tony (with a clear un-drug-addled head) assesses the situation, and swiftly realises that this is going to be easier than a walk in the park.
Honestly, he comes from Australia - our cuddly bears give more trouble than this type 2 diabetes opponent.

Tony has intestinal fortitude by the bucket load, and easily sidesteps and parries the advances of Dumbo the elephant man.
How could he not? Ron Ford couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag (that's him second from left)

Tony is used to dealing with big things, and meth comes in a small bag.
A side step, a bob, a weave and a stiff jab with his big banana signal the beginning of the end.

Sorry, wrong big banana.
He is a right wing, right leaning, wrecking machine (that's him on the right).

Seeing the opening that Ron presents, Tony moves in for the telling blow.
Let's be honest Ron has a very big opening (how else could he fund his crack habit?)
Tony, the undefeated 4-0 (all KO/TKO) heavyweight boxer throws a thunderous right smack on the kisser of old jelly jaw himself.

That's it, goodnight Irene. He of high blood pressure has no chance against such a skilled pugilist.
The big kabosh! It's the big kabosh! Chubby is stiff as a board.

As Tony stands over his quivering carcass, he quietly quips...

Bring on the next victim.


Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
And fat boy leads with a crack fuelled flurry, because he knows he is going to gas.
It is his only chance - well, that and several AA & NA meetings.

Normally the sight of an obese man raising his fists is scary, but lets be real here.
God is on Tony's side. Just like Mark Hunt, Vitor Belfort and so many other big hitters.

Tony (with a clear un-drug-addled head) assesses the situation, and swiftly realises that this is going to be easier than a walk in the park.
Honestly, he comes from Australia - our cuddly bears give more trouble than this type 2 diabetes opponent.

Tony has intestinal fortitude by the bucket load, and easily sidesteps and parries the advances of Dumbo the elephant man.
How could he not? Ron Ford couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag (that's him second from left)

Tony is used to dealing with big things, and meth comes in a small bag.
A side step, a bob, a weave and a stiff jab with his big banana signal the beginning of the end.

Sorry, wrong big banana.
He is a right wing, right leaning, wrecking machine (that's him on the right).

Seeing the opening that Ron presents, Tony moves in for the telling blow.
Let's be honest Ron has a very big opening (how else could he fund his crack habit?)
Tony, the undefeated 4-0 (all KO/TKO) heavyweight boxer throws a thunderous right smack on the kisser of old jelly jaw himself.

That's it, goodnight Irene. He of high blood pressure has no chance against such a skilled pugilist.
The big kabosh! It's the big kabosh! Chubby is stiff as a board.

As Tony stands over his quivering carcass, he quietly quips...

Bring on the next victim.

"Ill make fush and chups out of that kent"

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Gotta meet me in the semi finals to do it - gummon bro, vote for Tony!

I'm 4:9 down, this is a travesty!
Only due to my obligations under the ANZAC treaty but once we are through Im going full Bledisloe on ya mate

Tony it is, how does this work anyway?

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I see you've mistaken looking fit to mean one can take out a 300lbs man high on crack, very poor judgement. Ford is like the Big Country of this political showdown, only needs to connect once and it's allllllllllll over.

4-0 boxer? Ooooooooohhh......


I'm not going to waste my time with things like PBP on how this goes down. Fords in his most private and beloved place high while his most despised group of people are surrounding him and then some dude agrees to fight? I'll give the Aussie some props for bravery but this isn't a wise choice. This will be the last thing he see before returning to make cricket practice.



My member is more well known than yours
Jun 25, 2015
Here's my chin... swing away ;)

Ron can't even throw a football, so there is very little chance of anything connecting.
The only thing putting Tony to sleep is the mindless dribble trumpeting through that pipe

This bloke does Iron Man races for fun over 14 hours. He doesn't "look" fit, he is super fit.
There is no way he can't withstand 8 minutes of berserker attack from a guy with two left feet