NYBA Phil Baroni discusses Kevin Randleman

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Feb 9, 2016

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT06nn4i7WU

This is heartbreaking and enduring at the same time. I've never seen a fighter show so much humanity. I just wanted to share this, especially with the whole thing with Rousey (which we should probably stay off of the subject); we tend to forget that these people are human. They have feelings, good days and bad days, heroes and enemies, motivations and hardships. This was incredibly humanizing and informative.

I couldn't help but tear up.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Will check this out when I get home. Thx for sharing.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT06nn4i7WU

This is heartbreaking and enduring at the same time. I've never seen a fighter show so much humanity. I just wanted to share this, especially with the whole thing with Rousey (which we should probably stay off of the subject); we tend to forget that these people are human. They have feelings, good days and bad days, heroes and enemies, motivations and hardships. This was incredibly humanizing and informative.

I couldn't help but tear up.
I have to admit that teated up a bit and I was headed to a meeting. I had to pause it and turn on the radio to clear myself up


Such a raw display of emotion speaks volumes to Big Kev. Thanks for sharing BanMe @Arcee

Fuckin' dusty in here man.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Pretty sad moment, Randleman seemed like a great person by the way people are talking about him which is great to hear. I feel so bad for his family and close friends like Phil and Coleman.

Phil is really starting to sound punchy, I've noticed. And it's not just this instance where we could chalk it up to emotion, he just really doesn't sound like the old Phil anymore who was much more articulate and animated when he spoke. Really hope his fighting days are over, I've always loved Phil too.