Politician GP Opening Round 4: George Washington vs Abe Lincoln

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George Washington vs Abe Lincoln

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Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
Politician GP Opening Round 4: George Washington vs Abe Lincoln

George Washington - ThatOneDude @B!rdW@tch3r vs Abe Lincoln - Daglord @Daglord

Arena: An Indian Reservation

Win is by KO/death. Fleeing the battle is a DQ. Battlefield removal (BFR) is allowed but does not automatically equal a win; you must still defeat your opponent.



Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
I'll see the washington 'fan art' & raise you the documentary it was inspired by...



Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
Indian reservation works for abe... should be plenty of hatchets or axes around.



Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
George Washington was a pot growing, wooden toothed badass who will kill you, and all your boys while you celebrate Xmas.... Can't fuck with him.

member 3289

No disrespect to the father of our country, but Lincoln would beat the absolute shit out of the original GW.


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
He Was a Mutant

Abraham Lincoln had long arms, which makes sense, as he is the tallest president we've had. What doesn't make sense is specifically how long they were. They reached a length that many Cracked writers named Daniel classified as "superfreakgiant." According to William DeGregorio's Complete Book of U.S. Presidents -- a book that I keep on my bedside table every single night1 -- Lincoln "had disproportionately long arms and legs," and might have even suffered from the Stretch Armstrong disease, more commonly known as Marfan Syndrome, though "suffer" is hardly an accurate word. You wouldn't say Wolverine suffered from Claw Pox or John Holmes suffered from Awesome Dick Disorder. It's not exactly suffering if your disease is "I have massive arms that I've made even stronger by repeatedly swinging an axe every day of my life."

It's not just that his arms were superfreakgiant; they were incredibly strong. I know this next story is going to sound like bullshit, especially since it comes on the heels of a clearly photoshopped picture of Lincoln juggling four men, but I swear I didn't make it up. Several sources claim that, when Lincoln was in his 20s, they saw him carrying a box of stones weighing one thousand pounds, regularly. But not everyone agrees on that figure, of course.

Some say it was 1200.

Whether or not his strength had anything to do with his status as a Marfantastic Four sufferer is unclear. What we do know is is that Lincoln is fully capable of crushing any man who crosses him. We'd better just hope he's more of a lover than a fighter ...

He Was a Stone-Cold Badass

When Lincoln was a teenager, he moved with his family to New Salem, Illinois, a town that was unofficially run by an unruly gang, called "the Clary Grove's Boys," whose only common bond was "physical strength and prowess." That's it. They were only friends because one of them noticed "Hey, we're all good at beating hell out of shit; let's make that 'our thing.' " They would routinely get drunk and beat people up at random and reportedly called themselves "regulators" and "were the terror of all who did not acknowledge their rule." Jack Armstrong, the leader of the Clary Grove's Boys, was the biggest in the gang and the toughest fighter in the area, and he wasn't shy about either fact. Lincoln (still brand new in town) was sick of hearing about how good of a fighter Armstrong was and bet Armstrong $10 that he could find someone who could beat him.

Armstrong accepted but, when fight day arrived, Lincoln's man never showed up. They waited and waited and, when Armstrong demanded that Lincoln forfeit and pay up, Lincoln decided that, rather than lose $10, he would fight the bastard himself. While Lincoln did have an advantage in both the height and giant-freak-arms departments, Armstrong had a lot more fighting experience under his belt and was the odds-on favorite.

The story of how the actual fight went down varies. According to New Salem resident Daniel Burner, Lincoln spent the fight tiring Armstrong out and then, when the moment was right, "swung his long leg over Armstrong's neck and made Armstrong run around holding him up in that position," which, yes, is pretty ideal placement for farting right into your opponent's mouth. Another source claims Lincoln simply grabbed Armstrong by the throat, lifted him right into the air and "shook him like a child" until he surrendered. Some even say that Lincoln was beating Armstrong so bad that the rest of the Clary Grove's Boys joined in, and Lincoln just laughed and laughed. And then beat their asses. What we do know is that, when an artist was asked to depict the fight, this is what he came up with:

After the fight, Armstrong and the rest of the Boys decided to become best friends with Lincoln. That might seem crazy, but if your choices are "swallow your pride and play nice" or "constantly live in fear of the terrifying Stretch Armstrong Frankenstein," you'd probably choose the friend option, too. Luckily,Lincoln was loyal to his friends and very reasonable. It wasn't like he was crazy, or anything.

on second thought...

He Might Have Been Crazy

Most people know that Lincoln was an excellent speech-writer and, if they've read the entry directly above this one, they know that he was also a pretty good fighter. Few people know that, occasionally, Lincoln would combine those two things, and season them with a few hearty dashes of crazy.

In the 1830s, Lincoln was just beginning his political career and running for office in the New Salem assembly. It was important for him to present himself as a man worth following, a leader, to voters. At his very first speech, a small fight broke out in the crowd between a Lincoln supporter and some anti-Lincoln dude. This was an opportunity for Lincoln to show that he was cool-headed and just, a man who could moderate and resolve disputes, the kind of man you'd want representing you.

Lincoln left the podium mid-speech, went into the audience, grabbed one of the combatants by the throat and threw him 12 fucking feet.

Oh, and not just any fighter; it happened to be the one guy in the fight who didn't support Lincoln. This is what Lincoln did in his very first public speech ever.

He won that election, by the way. 277 to 23. It just goes to show you that core family values, a big heart and the unrivaled ability to shot-put anyone who disagrees with you are the most important qualities voters look for.


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
George Washington was a pot growing, wooden toothed badass who will kill you, and all your boys while you celebrate Xmas.... Can't fuck with him.
probably lost his teeth running his mouth to people like Lincoln.

I love me some GW, but he should probably stick to his garden.

Ghost Bro

Wololo ~Leave no turn unstoned
Nov 13, 2015
Do not forsake your first president.

Once upon a time, George Washington was awesome. He was not only the first President of the United States but also the commander of the American Revolutionary Army and one of the reasons why the United States version of Democracy actually managed to take root.

George Washington grew up in Virginia and got his start as a Colonel of Colonial Forces in the French and Indian (Seven Years') War, where he went out into the woods and beat the holy living hell out of a bunch of French soldiers. When he gained a foothold in French territory in the West of Virginia, they called for reinforcements and completely surrounded his fortress, forcing him to surrender. So what did he do? He went out into the woods and ambushed any French units that came his way. He personally would punch French ministers in the mouth and then hold them upside down by their feet while all their change fell out of their fruity coin purses so that he could send the money back the Britain to help pay for the crown jewels. Eventually, the French realized he was awesome and they gave up trying to fight him.

Many years later, the American colonies decided to secede from Great Britain and the British people really got their crumpets in a teabag about it. So once again the colonies called on George Washington to save their asses, and he met the invading British army at Boston. Unfortunately, Washington was sick on the day of the battle so he sent his troops out to fight for him and they got their asses kicked because they didn't have any bullets or shoes or anything, so he had to retreat to Delaware because he knew that the British would never want to go there. Then, when the British were camped out for Christmas, George Washington donned his battle gear and sailed across the Delaware river and into the British camp.

Washington brought only himself, his boat, a boombox blasting N.W.A.'s "Straight Outta Compton" album and his trusty Dragon Katana and was preparted to dish out cold justice. When the British looked up from their evening tea time, crumpets, footers and cricket games they saw Washington crash the boat into some rocks, somersault out and then start wasting redcoats.

General Cornwallis saw what was going on and pulled out his dueling sabre to battle Washington, but GW just chopped it in half with the Dragon Katana and then kicked Cornwallis off a cliff onto some rocks. Eventually the British had enough of getting wrecked and surrendered.

The Americans realized Washington was better than all of them and they elected him King. GW was like, "Dude, we just got rid of a king. How about I be the President instead?" and America thought that was a pretty cool idea. He ran the show for a couple of years and then when everyone was like "George you are awesome. You should rule our country for life" he told everyone that he had better things to do than waste his time being the leader of all of us. So he stepped down and went off to free all of his slaves and battle injustice around the country.

And that's why the United States is a Democracy. George Washington rules. He's the greatest President ever, and he KNOWS that when you're talking Priority Mail, you're talking 2-3 days, $3.20.

And in the future there'll be only one, Dick Cheney


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Hey, cool story bro, this ain't a wrestling match.... It's a match to the death.