Travis Browne's divorce final

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
There's nothing sane about a woman who posts a serious allegation about an ex on twitter so her friends can all rally around and feel sorry for her. An allegation that was never reported to the police and was never made public until her ex had moved the fuck on and started dating someone else.

This same psycho felt it necessary to keep trying to get the attention of her ex's new girlfriend through the media. This unstable woman flipped the fuck out at the sight of Ronda with a ring on her finger a week ago because "she can't marry someone who is still married", even though it wasn't an engagement ring, DERP, and it shouldn't matter who he gets engaged too because they aren't together.

This is the same woman who said she was finally going to press charges after the UFC hired a 3rd party investigator who did a thorough investigation and found nothing to prove her accusations. According to her, the reason she didn't press charges when it first happened was because she didn't want to ruin his career. As long as their together, it's all good. As soon as he dumped her though, it was suddenly cool to try to ruin his career. Not that she ever pressed charges like she said she would because she made the whole fucking story up in a fit of jealous rage and she knows filing a false police report is a hell of a lot different than making allegations on twitter and it might wind up with her in jail.

Maybe you don't have much experience with women but I can recognize a needy, clingy, jealous bitch in a heartbeat and she fits the profile. He dumped her because she was a wack job and high emotional maintenance and she couldn't handle it. Women like her think their pussy is gold and enough to keep a man groveling at their feet and putting up with all their stupid shit and when a man rejects them they don't know how to handle it like a mature adult would. You notice how Travis and Ronda haven't said anything in the media about her while she's been taking every opportunity to lash out like a petulant child? That is the correct way to deal with nonsensical people.
What the fuck can Travis say?he beat the shit out of her and banged Ronda while he was still married to her.he doesn't have much of a leg to stand on.what can Ronda say when she banged a married dude who just beat his wife?the only thing they can do is stay quiet and hope it blows over


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
There's nothing sane about a woman who posts a serious allegation about an ex on twitter so her friends can all rally around and feel sorry for her. An allegation that was never reported to the police and was never made public until her ex had moved the fuck on and started dating someone else.

This same psycho felt it necessary to keep trying to get the attention of her ex's new girlfriend through the media. This unstable woman flipped the fuck out at the sight of Ronda with a ring on her finger a week ago because "she can't marry someone who is still married", even though it wasn't an engagement ring, DERP, and it shouldn't matter who he gets engaged too because they aren't together.

This is the same woman who said she was finally going to press charges after the UFC hired a 3rd party investigator who did a thorough investigation and found nothing to prove her accusations. According to her, the reason she didn't press charges when it first happened was because she didn't want to ruin his career. As long as their together, it's all good. As soon as he dumped her though, it was suddenly cool to try to ruin his career. Not that she ever pressed charges like she said she would because she made the whole fucking story up in a fit of jealous rage and she knows filing a false police report is a hell of a lot different than making allegations on twitter and it might wind up with her in jail.

Maybe you don't have much experience with women but I can recognize a needy, clingy, jealous bitch in a heartbeat and she fits the profile. He dumped her because she was a wack job and high emotional maintenance and she couldn't handle it. Women like her think their pussy is gold and enough to keep a man groveling at their feet and putting up with all their stupid shit and when a man rejects them they don't know how to handle it like a mature adult would. You notice how Travis and Ronda haven't said anything in the media about her while she's been taking every opportunity to lash out like a petulant child? That is the correct way to deal with nonsensical people.
I guess we can blame Travis, His now ex claims serious allegation and his current claims a serious suicide thought... im going with #1

member 3289

Cerberus putting in serious PR work. Get dat chedda, brah.
You have to admire the guy. He really goes out of his way to post the most inflammatory shit that he knows the majority will disagree with. And he's not lazy with it either. Dude puts work into his trolling. I can respect that.


I'm the Wan you've been looking for.
Oct 29, 2015
A dime piece is officially back on the market gentlemen.
I don't think I would consider that dime piece "back on the market". I mean, he is dating Ronda, so he's not available...

Was that too far?.... That was too far.... Not even a "no homo" can save me now.


Posting Machine
May 25, 2015
What the fuck can Travis say?he beat the shit out of her and banged Ronda while he was still married to her.he doesn't have much of a leg to stand on.what can Ronda say when she banged a married dude who just beat his wife?the only thing they can do is stay quiet and hope it blows over
or let the crazy person talk


Nov 15, 2015
I'll say it:

Ladies and gentlemen... what we have here, is the two extreme ends of the crazy scale.

On the left we have obsessive-compulsive crazy. On the right we have the quintessential hot-crazy.

Now not saying you should avoid anyone who falls in this range.
To be a man means you MUST partake of a female who falls somewhere in the sliding scale of cray-cray.
Your penis will thank you.
However, your sanity will not.
Tread carefully.


Rear Naked Poke
Mar 15, 2015
I'll say it:

Ladies and gentlemen... what we have here, is the two extreme ends of the crazy scale.

On the left we have obsessive-compulsive crazy. On the right we have the quintessential hot-crazy.

Now not saying you should avoid anyone who falls in this range.
To be a man means you MUST partake of a female who falls somewhere in the sliding scale of cray-cray.
Your penis will thank you.
However, your sanity will not.
Tread carefully.
No fucking chance you mess with that plastic bitch on the right. That's a trap a sane man can see a mile away. Zero percentage chance of happiness, guaranteed (and that's assuming you even get laid).