Ever been open hand slapped by another man?

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Slap me and deal with the consequences.

One of us are gonna lose.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
Once ever.
I am 6'2" and was at the time 19 and a stacked 205 with relatively skinny legs / always had that problem (natural, no ped's because I didn't hang around with that crowd)
I was getting something to eat and I told my little brother (12 at the time) to get out of my way and he didn't like that. So my little brother decided to drop some bombs on my back as I was making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I was so pissed off, I turned around and grabbed my brother by the throat and pinned him against the wall and said something to the effect of "mother fucker you ever punch me like that again and I'll kill you".
I let my brother go and my dad (5'9" 160 lbs.) came over and bitch slapped me and said "you never talk like that to anyone in this family"........and he was right so I took it and walked away, locked myself in the bathroom and cried because I was such an asshole......true story.
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Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Never by a man. That would escalate quickly. I'd be less pissed if a man punched me.

Been slapped by quite a few chicks though. Haha.


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
Hahaaa! Holy fuck!
YES! I would rather be punched Any day over smacked...My boy Marlow has Huge mitts and generates a staggering amount of power..


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
My mom slapped the shit out of me many times...made my ear ring...I fkn hate being pinched or slapped..the sting drives me to the point of wanting to kill..


Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
Well just recently I had a short stint in prison. There was this group of 20 year olds who were at the maturity level of 10 year olds who would harass old alcoholics, would steal peoples things, and would rat people out behind their backs. One tried to act tough and I shoved his head into a wall, held him still and gave him a proper slap. He cried a little, sat down, lay his head down, arms covering head. I asked his friends if they will ever annoy me again, they looked at me like if I was a ghost lol. I thought a fight would break out. I told them if they make noise again or if they tell the guards, I'll fucking rape them. Some guys thought I wasn't cool for doing that but a lot of the old helpless alcoholics/drug addicts said finally someone put those punks in place. I even have the feeling they ratted me out but the guards didn't do anything because they were happy someone finally did it.

Then this other retard 38 year old would act pretty much the same. He would talk to me about how he's going to become a pro fighter soon. I told him how cool, lets practice kickboxing/grappling. He said he doesn't do grappling and tried to avoid training. I told him don't be a pussy. He agrees and instead of trying to mimic training, like if he knew what he was doing, he started bobbing his head like a retard and then tried swinging pretty hard. I ducked and then gave him what felt like the hardest slap I have ever given, or even heard. He got all shook up and said that I must be crazy and then went to his room and locked himself in. An hour later his left side of his face was all swollen up lol. At least he shut up about fighting but he kept rambling about crime and his long criminal career etc. Some of these guys were so socially incompetent they wouldn't realize they are making an idiot of themselves until they die. And they all have this ability to procreate early and dump their gf instinctively.


Too weird to live, too rare to die.
Dec 2, 2015
No. I prescribe to Charlie Murphy's impression of it. Me and the slapper might just be dueling after that shit.

“First of all, you don’t slap a man ok? I mean, even when slapping was fashionable and, you know they did it in Paris, the guy would come up
*BAP-BAP* ‘I Challenge you to a duel!’
They would have a gunfight after that, somebody had to go.”
That's exactly the point....it's biggest disrespect....

You can see in Nate Diaz fight with Conor, when he landed that Stockton slap Conor started throwing stupidly.

I remember when me and my schoolmate were shoving,mugging and talking shit....I can't remember what he did to me to make me think to smack him but I remember I was uncharacteristically pissed...I hit him with that slap(it echoed through a full hallway and everyone stopped and turned) then I told him "Ya what the fuck are you gonna do about it" and he just stared at me(I saw some tear's swelling), I kept on waiting and nothing.... I said" I thought so" and walked away....buddy never disrespected me again(Prior he always had jokes cause I was a halfer and spoke clean english).


That's exactly the point....it's biggest disrespect....

You can see in Nate Diaz fight with Conor, when he landed that Stockton slap Conor started throwing stupidly.

I remember when me and my schoolmate were shoving,mugging and talking shit....I can't remember what he did to me to make me think to smack him but I remember I was uncharacteristically pissed...I hit him with that slap(it echoed through a full hallway and everyone stopped and turned) then I told him "Ya what the fuck are you gonna do about it" and he just stared at me(I saw some tear's swelling), I kept on waiting and nothing I said" I thought so" and walked away....buddy never disrespected me again(Prior he always had jokes cause I was a halfer and spoke clean english).
Yeah, that's only a slight step above spitting on someone. My reaction would be primal. I'm amazed at the accounts of men deflating afterwards. That does not compute.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
Yeah, that's only a slight step above spitting on someone. My reaction would be primal. I'm amazed at the accounts of men deflating afterwards. That does not compute.
I'd say the majority of the loudmouths are pussies like that. They act all tough then pussy out.


I'd say the majority of the loudmouths are pussies like that. They act all tough then pussy out.
Makes sense. I don't roll with bitch made individuals, so that's probably why i lack experience in that regard. I don't pick fights with people either.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
Makes sense. I don't roll with bitch made individuals, so that's probably why i lack experience in that regard. I don't pick fights with people either.
Yep that's pretty much it. The need to act tough and pick fights is just a sign of insecurity. Otherwise the behavior has no motive since there is no gain.

I went in one of the countries worst performing schools. In the news it was portrayed as crime beridden etc. The truth is, out of a class of 20 students, maybe one was destined to go to prison once. The rest were just lower class uneducated people, and almost exclusively immigrants. But if they'd see a Swedish national walking alone, they'd jump him 10 on 1, for no reason ("because hes a 'svenne' [derogatory for swede]"). Galt is a Swedish national, and has lived in these areas too. Ask him if you don't believe this. I believe cowardice is tied with jealousy as worst human traits.


Yep that's pretty much it. The need to act tough and pick fights is just a sign of insecurity. Otherwise the behavior has no motive since there is no gain.

I went in one of the countries worst performing schools. In the news it was portrayed as crime beridden etc. The truth is, out of a class of 20 students, maybe one was destined to go to prison once. The rest were just lower class uneducated people, and almost exclusively immigrants. But if they'd see a Swedish national walking alone, they'd jump him 10 on 1, for no reason ("because hes a 'svenne' [derogatory for swede]"). Galt is a Swedish national, and has lived in these areas too. Ask him if you don't believe this. I believe cowardice is tied with jealousy as worst human traits.
When i was young, i moved around a lot. I remember people wanting to test the "new kid" constantly, so i'm familiar in that regard. I've been jumped before, and it sucks ass. It's even more shitty when it's because you seem different in some way. It saddens me, and gets under my skin a little.

Yul Brynner said it best in the movie Cool Runnings: "People are always afraid of what's different."

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
ive seen one if my friends KO ppl smacking them...Hes 6'5, 420 pounds.,,I seen him smack a guy who broke into his friends Home.,the guy was sitting a plastic lawn chair and it literally exploded ...The guy was slept on contact..Same friend smacked another drunk goon off a porch where he landed 5 feet away in the yard..in both instances he made them bleed out their ear..He was in Arena Football league and is a freak athlete for his size,..I wouldn't wanna be on the business end of that I promise...
If you break into someone’s home the least you can do is conduct a risk assessment of potential outcomes including external sources of risk - if someone has a 420 lbs friend, you walk away from that job


TMMAC Addict
Jul 16, 2015
No. I prescribe to Charlie Murphy's impression of it. Me and the slapper might just be dueling after that shit.

“First of all, you don’t slap a man ok? I mean, even when slapping was fashionable and, you know they did it in Paris, the guy would come up
*BAP-BAP* ‘I Challenge you to a duel!’
They would have a gunfight after that, somebody had to go.”


Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
Ummmm, does that say he's a running back? Holy shit. Wouldn't want to line up and meet him in the box with a head of steam.
no he was not a RB but his big ass ran a 5 second 40 yd dash being that big and can dunk too... stupid athletic for that size.. actually signed to the CFL and hurt his knee again and retired..