Society The Donald J. Trump Show - 4 more years editions

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First 100
Jan 15, 2015
And it looks like this chick was the one who instigated the rumor that Carson was dropping out.


Deleted member 1

It's funny. I question how I would vote now if Bernie did somehow get the nomination. I've identified less and less with the liberal movement as this election goes on.

Yeah it kind of sucks.
I believe Bernie very much is trying for a revolution to be unowned by corporations in our politics, less foreign war, fairer legal systems, etc.
But holy shit the enabling of an entire wing of the left that believe in 'tolerance' by faux victimization and brute force (we are so tolerant, look at our mob threads and kkk uniforms!) makes me have an almost visceral response to want to push back. If nothing else to break the trend. You can't have a discussion with these people. You're not allowed to talk about certain things with them. And if you do, you better be the right demographic or the ad hominems will come and positions or facts disregarded..

Deleted member 1

So all morning, I've watched the news bring on all these people to talk about how Donald Trump doesn't know anything about NATO. We HAVE to pay for it! But but but but!

Where were the naysayers 5 years ago as Robert Gates said the same thing?

Column: Why the U.S. is stuck with NATO's bill -

Either we are okay paying for it or we aren't.

Gates criticizes NATO; How much does U.S. pay?

But I don't think Trump is wrong or out of touch on this one.
And then he said NATO is obsolete for terrorism threats (it was invented for USSR protection) and needs to be configured into something modern for terrorism and smaller states. Or it will fall apart.
Only quoting his him saying "obsolete" without context that it could be remolded for modern threats.

Again, these aren't new ideas. They are things that have been rattled around and Trump is making them a focus. Then everyone loses their damned minds "Maybe NATO isn't, but those individual countries do stuff!!".... SO MUCH SPIN. The whole point is what those countries give and take for NATO as an alliance.

Deleted member 1

Town Hall time, boys. Just started on CNN. Cruz is up first.
Terrible showing by all three.

Cruz won't answer anything.

Trump bogged down in Cruz and campaign manager shit.

Kasich more fired up than the entire campaign but sounds shrill and like an angry grandpa. Its almost comical watching him claim how he has bucked the establishment for so long.

In the end, if Trump took 5 minutes to put a few loaded sound bytes out, this should be a VERY easy win as Kasich is going to rip seriously into that Cruz vote.

If nothing else, we just watched the GOP lock step blow up as all three refuse to support one another right now. Along with veiled threats of a third party run if the convention is stolen.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Is the Trump train over? Did he really make those comments today?

Deleted member 1

Is the Trump train over? Did he really make those comments today?
It was a long winded comment in the mix of other stuff. He said if abortion was made illegal and then courts upheld banning it, then there would have to be punishment for getting an abortion. "10 cents? 10 years? I dunno." Failed to clarify. But it was enough.

Then released a press release saying that no he didn't plan to put women in jail, that they are victims of the system, and that they would punish the facilities and doctors that perform abortions if they were ever to be made illegal.

Trump being pro-life is all of about the sound bite. He likely morally hates abortion but doesn't really care. The guy was super pro-choice 15 years ago, but that's a GOP loser.

What's absolutely priceless, is what is Ted Cruz or anyone else in the GOP going to say? They all hold that or much more hardline positions on the issue. Trump is out there winging this topic and steps into two options that the GOP has supported before.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
It was a long winded comment in the mix of other stuff. He said if abortion was made illegal and then courts upheld banning it, then there would have to be punishment for getting an abortion. "10 cents? 10 years? I dunno." Failed to clarify. But it was enough.

Then released a press release saying that no he didn't plan to put women in jail, that they are victims of the system, and that they would punish the facilities and doctors that perform abortions if they were ever to be made illegal.

Trump being pro-life is all of about the sound bite. He likely morally hates abortion but doesn't really care. The guy was super pro-choice 15 years ago, but that's a GOP loser.

What's absolutely priceless, is what is Ted Cruz or anyone else in the GOP going to say? They all hold that or much more hardline positions on the issue. Trump is out there winging this topic and steps into two options that the GOP has supported before.
Oh so my friend who feels the Bern took it out of context etc

Deleted member 1

Oh so my friend who feels the Bern took it out of context etc

Well maybe not. It was a dumb thing to say. But is the fastest and maybe only actual damage control I've seen so far with a clarifying statement.

Its gonna take focus off what was an exemplary rally on his behalf today. He was super charismatic and had stats, etc about Wisconsin.

These comments might as well flush the days work down the drain. Even with clarifying press release.

Trump is on fire with so many things and he does rally and townhall off the cuff like a pro. But goddamn this campaign that is missing so many free opportunities for more votes.


Pineapple Ombudsman
Mar 25, 2016
Honestly guys, being new in this community, it's awesome seeing semi-intellectual discourse with differing opinions. Then again, before this election I was a staunch libertarian. Now I'm leaning entirely towards anarcho-capitalism.

Deleted member 1

Honestly guys, being new in this community, it's awesome seeing semi-intellectual discourse with differing opinions. Then again, before this election I was a staunch libertarian. Now I'm leaning entirely towards anarcho-capitalism.

Join the Trumptrain and just blow the whole thing up.

If only his campaign manager wasn't ridiculous. Liability himself and seems to never have prepped Trump on the easiest topics.
There was a period that Trump could have moved 10+ points in the polls with a few loaded soundbytes. And not only did it not happen, we went madman the other way.

I expect there still to be complete GOP disarray and for that I am thankful. Fuck the corrupt party.
On the other hand, the critical mass of bad campaign management is coming.