So fighters only. Got it. Last I saw in tos it was supposed to apply to fighters, public figures, and members a like. I'm beginning to wonder if this places bias swings the opposite way of the other place.
This is from the terms link at the bottom of the screen, I was referring to #5
General Posting Rules:
- Do not use this site for distributing illegal material
- No nudity posted in public forums. Any risque items should be marked with appropriate NSFW (Not Safe for Work) tag. Nudity includes topless women, bare buttocks, or bottomless anyone.
- No posting of internet streams or other copyrighted videos.
- Be respectful in your disagreements.
- No fighter bashing. Find an objective measure of how that fighter has declined or is not expecting to get the win. We ask fighters to come to this site to share their thoughts with the community, respect that they put the show on for us
The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts ("Content"). Content submitted express the views of their author only.
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Like I said we will never please everyone and we are well aware of this. When things like the Paul Harris vs Shields fight goes down we get it from both sides. As far as I bias that's for members to decide, I'm not going to do much more justification of how the site or myself have shown the UFC support now or in the past.
You're right in the fact that we promote rule #1 is basically don't be an asshole, this would probably include calling Dana a cunt. Having said that we will now have another user quote me and make a complaint about over sensorship so ya, can't please 'em all.