VID Ban all non African people from dancing IMHO

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Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015

Can the rest of us admit we suck at dancing and leave it to our African brothers and sisters?

Look at this vid very black guy or woman looks like they are having a great time, moving in sync with the beats and their facial expressions are all normal human like expressions.

Now the rest of the folk in the video are all out of sync with the beats, look like they are in pain or constipated and ruin the video.

I remember seeing myself dance in a club mirror one night and realised that I looked like a fucking spastic and hung up the dancing shoes and stuck to dealing drugs at the club and later bouncing.

Let me illustrate how non Africans dance

First Chuck Liddell

Some Bollywood ..... LOLOL

This little inbred cunt

And lastly this piece of shit from the UK

Compare their movements with our African friends in my video....


My member is more well known than yours
Jun 25, 2015
I'm taking you for that shandy next Wednesday.
Coming to your hood.

Shall I bring a passport, flak jacket or lube?
Got my dancing shoes


Pineapple Ombudsman
Mar 25, 2016
I do ballroom dancing. So as long as you leave us white folks that, I'm fine. It's one of the two ways I pull chicks. That and a big dick. Aside from that I've got a lousy personality, less than perfect smile, and I smell like a poorly maintained shower rag.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
The best dancers on the planet are filipinos and latinos "poppin taco" taught micheal jackson most of his moves


Too weird to live, too rare to die.
Dec 2, 2015
There are exception's to the rule

I won't even lie...stole a little swag from Jay Kay myself

then there's techtonic
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Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Its not even the non african (NA) dancers that suck the spectators too

We got the latino guy in the white shirt about to blow a fuse, the strange no ethnicity guy in the gold cap taking a shit and the African gent in the gay red shoes looking cool as ice and of course white girl dancing who looks like Cro Cop just kicked her in the cunt.

You cant teach swagger people....

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Wild @Wild sorry bro I know I said I wouldnt post race related stuff but if this thread stops just one NA from stepping on the dance floor Ive done gods work for humanity.


3/4 cops at about 2:36 seemed to have the rhythm; the offender was the whitest dude there.....hmmm, your thesis may have merit.