IMG/GIF Vine: Texas Cops let college girl play paper/rock/scissors to get out of alcohol charge

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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I mean that's fair in that environment. If they went around arresting every drunk person it would take years to process and go through court

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
They were cool to let her looking at it, reminds me of Preakness in Pimlico/bmore (back in the day) and there were so many underage kids drinking there you just wouldn't bust them......let them have fun. Remember getting there at around 9:00 am one time and this kid was so drunk already he started that long drunk heavy step down the small hill towards the fence that blocked the infield and kept going faster and faster towards the fence and rammed into it and grabbed it to hold himself times....always remember that kid.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
They were cool to let her looking at it, reminds me of Preakness in Pimlico/bmore (back in the day) and there were so many underage kids drinking there you just wouldn't bust them......let them have fun. Remember getting there at around 9:00 am one time and this kid was so drunk already he started that long drunk heavy step down the small hill towards the fence that blocked the infield and kept going faster and faster towards the fence and rammed into it and grabbed it to hold himself times....always remember that kid.
The Preakness is a fucking shit show! I went 2 years ago. I got there at noon and there was already tons of people getting taken out on gurneys. Top 5 drunkest I have ever been. Walked around in my briefs all lathered in oil. There was a huge cornhole(the beanbag game) tournament going on. Like 20 games goin on at once. I walked down the middle in between all the boards lined up and disrupted everyone's game. People started throwing bean bags at me lol. Zero fucks given. I am an asshole.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
The Preakness is a fucking shit show! I went 2 years ago. I got there at noon and there was already tons of people getting taken out on gurneys. Top 5 drunkest I have ever been. Walked around in my briefs all lathered in oil. There was a huge cornhole(the beanbag game) tournament going on. Like 20 games goin on at once. I walked down the middle in between all the boards lined up and disrupted everyone's game. People started throwing bean bags at me lol. Zero fucks given. I am an asshole.
Funny and don't doubt you for a second......No, you aren't an ahole, you were just having a good time and you would have loved it " back in the day" as it was bring your own was absolutely unfair, they didn't check anyone for anything, ie you could bring in water bottles filled with vodka or whatever didn't "cause concern"......and the on,y people that got arrested were those that pretty much beat up a cop.....there weren't many of those. The on,y thing that sucked was the idiots throwing full beers into the crowd in the afternoon....should have kept the video footage I had but one of my ex girlfriends convinced me cut up the video up before I moved in with her.....facking bitch.....oh, and you didn't want to use the portable toilets as your ass may have been upside down in one.


TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Funny and don't doubt you for a second......No, you aren't an ahole, you were just having a good time and you would have loved it " back in the day" as it was bring your own was absolutely unfair, they didn't check anyone for anything, ie you could bring in water bottles filled with vodka or whatever didn't "cause concern"......and the on,y people that got arrested were those that pretty much beat up a cop.....there weren't many of those. The on,y thing that sucked was the idiots throwing full beers into the crowd in the afternoon....should have kept the video footage I had but one of my ex girlfriends convinced me cut up the video up before I moved in with her.....facking bitch.....oh, and you didn't want to use the portable toilets as your ass may have been upside down in one.
Fuckkkkk I wish i was there for the BYOB. I bought some unlimited beer ticket. You had to wait on line for a few minutes for every refill, but not so bad. They still let you bring a cooler in with your own food. I had a giant bowl of fruit that I had let soak in vodka for days. Got that through the security check. They were none the wiser. Suck it, Pimlico security!

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
Fuckkkkk I wish i was there for the BYOB. I bought some unlimited beer ticket. You had to wait on line for a few minutes for every refill, but not so bad. They still let you bring a cooler in with your own food. I had a giant bowl of fruit that I had let soak in vodka for days. Got that through the security check. They were none the wiser. Suck it, Pimlico security!
It wast considered illegal somehow, but fug it was fun, seeing your posts gives me the indication you might have "enjoyed" it.........the most difficult part was carrying the coolers in which was "hard work" that we bitched about until invading on someone's territory they set up, but my friends just felt that everything was their territory....I'll see if I can find the Baltimore TV spot they did when they interviewed one of my friends and I was in the background when we were setting up a canopy because my friends laughed when they saw me....


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Nothing compares to the infield at the Kentucky Derby. Nothing. Back in the day, I got head by two chics from Chicago at the Kentucky Derby infield. They gave zero fucks. 40-50 people standing around cheering their asses off, and pouring beer all over us. Thank God that was before camera phones.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
Nothing compares to the infield at the Kentucky Derby. Nothing. Back in the day, I got head by two chics from Chicago at the Kentucky Derby infield. They gave zero fucks. 40-50 people standing around cheering their asses off, and pouring beer all over us. Thank God that was before camera phones.
Crying laughing at this, also you remembered where they were from................quietly wonders what Mrs. thinks......


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Crying laughing at this, also you remembered where they were from................quietly wonders what Mrs. thinks......
I told her about it when we met. I keep no secrets. Might as well air all the dirty laundry, so there's only one big "WTF" moment vs. hundreds of them throughout a marriage. She knows I was a maniac w/ zero moral fiber before we met. I gave her multiple outs. She had dozens of opportunities to bail. She decided to stay. Her mistake, so she can't complain now :)

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
I told her about it when we met. I keep no secrets. Might as well air all the dirty laundry, so there's only one big "WTF" moment vs. hundreds of them throughout a marriage. She knows I was a maniac w/ zero moral fiber before we met. I gave her multiple outs. She had dozens of opportunities to bail. She decided to stay. Her mistake, so she can't complain now :)
Well, you have a good woman then...................that would not work with me but then again who knows what my wife has done that she hasn't told me and fu-cking don't want to know.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Well, you have a good woman then...................that would not work with me but then again who knows what my wife has done that she hasn't told me and fu-cking don't want to know.
I've always been one to believe in full a fault, at times. Just the way I operate. Now do I know everything about her? Probably not. Do I give a fuck? Zero fucks are given! :)

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
I've always been one to believe in full a fault, at times. Just the way I operate. Now do I know everything about her? Probably not. Do I give a fuck? Zero fucks are given! :)
Ok, let me qualify this. Transparency is something I believe in, I do. That being said, transparency when dealing with my wife has resulted in much aggravation for this guy and I've actually become selective about what needs to be "transparent" and what just needs to fade into oblivion.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Ok, let me qualify this. Transparency is something I believe in, I do. That being said, transparency when dealing with my wife has resulted in much aggravation for this guy and I've actually become selective about what needs to be "transparent" and what just needs to fade into oblivion.
I can certainly respect that sir. There have been other women that flipped out when I told them shit that I probably shouldn't have. I just looked at it as a sign of what the future would hold if I stayed with them, and used it as an opportunity to cut bait lol.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
I can certainly respect that sir. There have been other women that flipped out when I told them shit that I probably shouldn't have. I just looked at it as a sign of what the future would hold if I stayed with them, and used it as an opportunity to cut bait lol.
Can't argue with that IWEI.....will, though, say my wife isn't that bad, just a bit jealous, but who doesn't like a jealous girl with big "assets"........;)


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Can't argue with that IWEI.....will, though, say my wife isn't that bad, just a bit jealous, but who doesn't like a jealous girl with big "assets"........;)
Jealous girls are usually great in bed too bud, so I do envy you.