Faber: Cody's win is big after TAM's ‘divorce' from 'greed'

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014

"It does (help)," Faber said Tuesday on The MMA Hour. "It's been a rocky year, as far as emotionally for me, because I really put my heart and soul into building a great culture and a great team. We went through a divorce, in my opinion at the hands of greed, which I hate to see. So to see the renewed enthusiasm for what we've built here, with guys like Justin Buchholz stepping up, guys like Danny Castillo stepping up, guys like Chris Holdsworth and Fabio Prado and Coach Joey and Master Thong, the list goes on -- we've got so many great contributors to our team, and Cody is such a good guy, man."

After pumping up Garbrandt to fight fans over the past several years, Faber is proud of what his young teammate is now accomplishing.

"It's so funny, because don't judge a book by the cover," Faber said. "They always say that. When I first him with the tattoos and things like that, I didn't know what he was all about. That guy has got a heart of gold. He really does. He's a very loyal guy. He's a hard working guy. He's a determined guy. He's got a great attitude, and he just proves it over and over again.

"To see something great happen for him, somebody who's setting the next bar for his community and for his friends back home and for his next generation of family, I mean, the guy is stepping up the game and he trains like a champion. He does everything he can like a champion. He goes to bed early, he gets up early, he's at practice early, he's looking for every single edge and the guy is a killer, man. He's a lady killer. He's a fight killer. I mean, the guy is a star. I think we saw that."

LINK: Urijah Faber encouraged by Cody Garbrandt’s win after Team Alpha Male’s ‘divorce’ at the ‘hands of greed’


One side looks like it reads "made" and I won't say what it looks like the other side reads, I just assume it couldn't possibly be that.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
Wasn't Cody recently at Jackson's? What was that all about?

Am I the only guy who thinks Cody reminds him of this guy from The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, but with shorter hair & a bad neck tat?