Hunt: 'I'll knock Brock's face, mouth, and lips off'

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La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015

Esther Lin

UFC heavyweight Mark Hunt plans to knock Lesnar's face off at UFC 200 and send him back

"I already said they better be testing him, but in the end it doesn't even matter. It's time for ‘punch face', a game I have been playing for many years."

Morning Report: Mark Hunt calls Brock Lesnar a 'pretender,' says he will 'get it good and proper' at UFC 200

Quote a lot of comments about Lesnars return and USADA since the announcement, wonder if Brock will get pushed through the loophole the ErikMagraken @ErikMagraken pointed out for us.


Putin is gay
Apr 24, 2015
My heart says Hunt, but my head says Brock takes him down and wrestlefucks him.

...but my heart will go on.


Work by day, Post by night, All day
Jun 6, 2016
God Hunt has the greatest way of wording everything! Sometimes I don't even fully understand what it is he said but it just sounds awesome!! hahah

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
God Hunt has the greatest way of wording everything! Sometimes I don't even fully understand what it is he said but it just sounds awesome!! hahah
"I deal with a wrestler like I deal with every other fighter. I punch them in the mouth."

"I'll knock his face off. I knock his mouth off and then his lips fly off. If he has an itch to scratch I will scratch it for him. I ain't no part-time fighter. He thinks this is a game where he can come back and forth. I will send this pretender back so he can play house with the other part timers. This realm is for the real fighters, not these damn pretenders. Don't confuse wrestling with real fighting. I'm going to give it to him."


Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Lesnar needs to power double Hunt immediately because if this stays on the feet for any real length of time, Lesnar is going to sleep. Hunt will have him cartwheeling across the octagon like Cain did in very short order.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Lesnar needs to power double Hunt immediately because if this stays on the feet for any real length of time, Lesnar is going to sleep. Hunt will have him cartwheeling across the octagon like Cain did in very short order.
I have to admit I'll be waaaaaay more impressed if Hunt puts Lesnar to sleep over seeing Brock give him the Mir treatment.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
I have to admit I'll be waaaaaay more impressed if Hunt puts Lesnar to sleep over seeing Brock give him the Mir treatment.
I'm picking Lesnar, I think it's a good match up for him stylistically, but if he gets stupid and tries to stand with Mark I think he's going down quickly.


Posting Machine
Jan 31, 2016
If lesnar wasn't coming off a 5 year layoff i would pick him with a lot of confidence. But now that lesnar says he is truly healthy and according to his interview, has been training and getting in shape for a while, Im picking him to win. Maybe that layoff is exactly what he needed to fully recover from diverticulitis. Lesnar doesn't need a million shots to put hunt away like stipe did. He can TKO hunt with a handful of GNP shots for sure.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I'm picking Lesnar, I think it's a good match up for him stylistically, but if he gets stupid and tries to stand with Mark I think he's going down quickly.
My question mark is the level of ring rust on Brock. I expect the fight to be either short and sweet for Hunt or a drawn out wrestlefuck, lots depends on Marks ability to threaten Brock while shooting in.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
We all know if Zuffa doesnt get to Hunt some how, Lesnar has no chance, but with the corruption as of late you never know the level the UFC will stoop to put someone over. HUNT by KO in the real world.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
My question mark is the level of ring rust on Brock. I expect the fight to be either short and sweet for Hunt or a drawn out wrestlefuck, lots depends on Marks ability to threaten Brock while shooting in.
5 years off is a long time, might as well say new to the business.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
My question mark is the level of ring rust on Brock. I expect the fight to be either short and sweet for Hunt or a drawn out wrestlefuck, lots depends on Marks ability to threaten Brock while shooting in.
Another question is Will Lesnar be tested by USADA or will the UFC look the other way on this one, that is also a factor. 1 month to the fight soplenty of time for a few tests.


Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015
I'd love nothing more than to see Hunt ruin another transparent Zuffa marketing scheme, but Brock is a serious threat to anyone. Hopefully Hunt trains his sprawl to uppercut combo & sends Brock back to the playhouse.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015

Esther Lin

UFC heavyweight Mark Hunt plans to knock Lesnar's face off at UFC 200 and send him back

"I already said they better be testing him, but in the end it doesn't even matter. It's time for ‘punch face', a game I have been playing for many years."

Morning Report: Mark Hunt calls Brock Lesnar a 'pretender,' says he will 'get it good and proper' at UFC 200

Quote a lot of comments about Lesnars return and USADA since the announcement, wonder if Brock will get pushed through the loophole the ErikMagraken @ErikMagraken pointed out for us.
USADA is still only so effective against athletes with the financial resources of a guy like Brock and it depends on the drugs being used. MMA has been slow to catch up with the real pros of doping. Putting aside experimental drugs testers have not yet heard of let alone developed tests for, if a guy sticks to certain HGH variants, he is fine.

In Australia, two entire professional football teams - one from rugby league, one from Aussie Rules (and basically the Yankees of Aussie Rules) were suspended for team-wide systematic doping with peptides, with a few more teams all but confirmed to be doing the exact same thing. There were massive changes in physiques. Not one player tested positive despite being targeted for investigation not just by Australia's USADA, but by the Australian Crime Commission, which has coercive powers unparalleled in US law enforcement to gather information.

As in, investigators and testers knew specifically what drugs were being used while they were still being used - not after the fact - and were sending samples to Germany in the hopes that the most sophisticated lab in the world could test for the drugs. But they had to eventually nail them on weight of circumstantial evidence, they could never gather a positive test. The drugs that were being used were the exact same ones linked to A-Rod, although baseballers were using other shit too that could be tested for, and followed the same 'anti-aging clinic' formula of that whole baseball Biogenesis scandal.

Point is, I'm only worried about an injury. I don't think USADA is derailing this freight train. They usually only get the morons, and I have faith that the combined determination of Lesnar's team, Zuffa, the NSAC and possibly USADA themselves won't allow for any stupidity.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Get it good and proper is what English guys say about sleeping with a chick


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014

Mark Hunt will come into UFC 200 on the back of two first round knockouts, over Antonio “Bigfoot” Silva and former UFC champion Frank Mir.

Having been asked to take several fights on short notice, Hunt didn’t hesitate to take the fight short notice.

“When I was asked a few weeks ago to stay ready for July, I was very pumped man. I had no idea it would be Brock, but like everything it doesn’t matter who I fight they are going to get it good and proper when I step inside the cage.” Hunt said.

“I’m just going to prepare as best as I can. My mind is built for this sh*t, throw me into the maelstrom of battle and 9 out of 10 times I walk away”.

The former K-1 champion is best known for his punching power, and doesn’t plan on changing his fighting style for the NCAA Division 1 wrestler.

I deal with a wrestler like I deal with every other fighter,” he said. “I punch them in the mouth”.

Back in 2001, Lesnar was arrested on suspicion of possessing large amounts of anabolic steroids – something Hunt has publicly frowned upon. Hunt warned officials that they better be testing Lesnar, but either way, he plans to knock him out.

“I already said they better be testing him, but in the end it doesn’t even matter. It’s time for ‘punch face’, a game I have been playing for many years” he said.

Asked for a prediction for the fight, Hunt responded in typical Hunt fashion.

“I’ll knock his face off. I knock his mouth off and then his lips fly off.” he said.

LINK: Exclusive: Mark Exclusive: Mark Hunt Breaks His Silence On Fight With Brock Lesnar At UFC200

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Hmm, don't know if I want a massive wrestler who is athletic as shit, pissed off

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Brock is so matter of he just going to bull rush hunt?

I wish I was that big.

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
we saw Brock try to bullrush Cain and he did eventually get him down. Cain is one of the fastest HWs I think we will know in the first 2 mins whos going to win the fight