Hunt: 'I'll knock Brock's face, mouth, and lips off'

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Nov 15, 2015
Once Upon a Time, and MMA land, there was a time when a wrestler versus the kickboxer always ended with a Restless hand raised. And then something called cross-training happened. And after the reality of cross-training set in, the tables turned. Whenever you see a one-dimensional Grappler vs a kickboxer, everyone should fear for the grappler's life.

This is one of those times.
Brock Lesnar hates getting punched in the face.
Mark Hunt is great at punching people in the face.
Mark Hunt is great at receiving punches to the face.
Mark Hunt is going to punch Brock Lesnar's face off.


Posting Machine
Jan 31, 2016
Brock's been tko'd but we've never seen him actually knocked out. He just turtles up but you can tell he's still conscious with his hands up etc. Hunt hits like a dumptruck though so who knows. Everyone said no one can KO Hoy Nelson but Hunt did a walk off.
That's true but to be fair nelson spent the whole fight on the feet and traded with hunt. Standing that long with hunt, you are bound to get touched on the chin sooner or later. Lesnar won't want to stand with hunt for longer than a minute. Whether he can actually get it to the ground without getting rocked is another question


Jun 7, 2016
My question mark is the level of ring rust on Brock. I expect the fight to be either short and sweet for Hunt or a drawn out wrestlefuck, lots depends on Marks ability to threaten Brock while shooting in.
I can see Brock charging in with his flying knees being all aggressive, missing then Hunt side steps and KOs him with a walk off.