Jose Aldo believes it's 'impossible not to cry' after watching his new biopic

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La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015

Jose Aldo went through a lot before becoming the longest featherweight champion in history, and his life story hit theaters in Brazil.

"Mais forte que o mundo" ("Stronger than the world", in Portuguese) premiered Wednesday in Rio de Janeiro, and the former UFC 145-pound champion couldn’t hold his tears back while watching Jose Loreto play the MMA star on the big screen.

"I have to thank (director) Afonso Poyart and the whole crew for telling my story in theaters and making me very emotional. It’s amazing," Aldo told the media. "I think that, being a fight fan or not, this movie will move you because it’s an emotional story. The first time I watched it I was so excited about my story being told in a movie that I didn’t actually pay attention [laughs]. The second time I watched it, I really paid attention to the story. To look back at the past… It was hard for me, but I overcame everything I went through."

The movie tells the story of a young kid from Manaus who goes through a lot of problems in his life before moving to Rio de Janeiro to pursue his dream of becoming a fighter. It mixes true facts from his life, with a bit of fiction, and Poyart decided to make Aldo’s troubled relationship with his father, Jose, the main story of the movie. There is no word yet on whether or not the movie will be released in the United States.

Aldo’s father had a drinking problem and constantly hit his wife Rocilene, and that forced his family to go in different directions. Rocilene moved to a separate house with his two daughters, and Aldo eventually moved to Rio de Janeiro to live at Nova Uniao.

Jose Aldo believes it's 'impossible not to cry' after watching his new biopic

Gonna need Priziesthorse @Priziesthorse to find this movie and give us a review.


el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I think I'll take the cry test, got the popcorn popping now. I cried when Buddy Holly died, cried when they shot Robert Duval's dog in Open Range. Cried all through Brokeback Mountain but westerns have always got me worked up.

On the other hand I don't understand Portuguese at all which could be a barrier. I'll report back later and let you guys know if tears were shed.


Work by day, Post by night, All day
Jun 6, 2016
When it makes you cry through subtitles that's when you know its deep. I am actually really pumped to watch it!

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
I have mixed feelings about this movie. I've been a fan of Aldo since I first saw his first fight in the WEC against Pequeno Nogueira, so I'm interested for sure. But I also feel like this movie has the potential to be campy. Guess we'll find out!

regular john

Muay Thai World Champion
May 21, 2015
1:17 when the hell did he kick like Pettis?
yeah bad trailer. I guess that's the international trailer...was hoping for some quotes wtf... this looks like an action movie about someone who's really good at takedowns


Chinese Virus
Feb 11, 2016
yeah bad trailer. I guess that's the international trailer...was hoping for some quotes wtf... this looks like an action movie about someone who's really good at takedowns
It just shows how much research they have done and it proves they movie is basically fake ass shit

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
I'm watching this on Netflix looks like Paul Harris is playing Aldo and also is stealing pizzas and trying to bang his mothers assistant (which I agree with)

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
I think I'll take the cry test, got the popcorn popping now. I cried when Buddy Holly died, cried when they shot Robert Duval's dog in Open Range. Cried all through Brokeback Mountain but westerns have always got me worked up.

On the other hand I don't understand Portuguese at all which could be a barrier. I'll report back later and let you guys know if tears were shed.
the saddest movie I saw might be born on the 4th of july.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
the scar also seems to be on the wrong part of the actors face

edit:never mind just saw the bbq grill scar seems like the make up team half assed it.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
He is really not hitting that cast iron air conditioning unit hanging from the sky (somehow) very well......his punches are looping and not tight enough


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
This film is really hit and miss with me.


It's very eye opening in that it shows Jose as a young man tortured by his father's alcoholism and domestic violence which effects his own relationships and it doesn't try to rose tint Aldo's part in any of his mistakes. It does try to link his father's life to Aldo's violent fighting style and life choices. All of this is actually commendable. Its incredibly honest in that regard. In fact its amazing Aldo opened up to the filmmakers enough to let them pursue this angle. It's sometimes quite interesting in terms of its shots/direction etc as it often gets surreal dealing with his life experiences through flashbacks and false memories - it also does something really quite innovative in having one of the characters in the film represent his violent alter-ego. But...

What the film does terribly is the following

1. Every fight in the film (although based on real fights both in the cage and out) is sensationalised in terms of how its choreographed - by that I mean it plays out with no intention of trying to stick to the actual fights they portray (or reality in general) - hence street fights with flying arm-bars etc. For me this is infuriating. Keeping it real with the fights would have made this film a really powerful film. Since they do with the relationship with his Dad why not the fights???

2. Aldo's fight career is caricatured. An example of this is both a fight against a 300 lb looking guy early in his career and his fight in the UK which I was at - in the film the fight in London takes place in a huge arena with loads of fans and press etc - what a croc of shit. I was there. It was in a sports hall. The film would have been much better if it charted his career more accurately.

3. The people who made this film had only one real cameo - Pedro Rizzo and Nog... the actors that play Galvao, Marlon Sandro and the rest of the fight team are a travesty. Why not just get the actual fighters who affected Aldo's life to cameo in those roles???? Seriously!!! The only guy who was realistic was the actor that played Dede. Even worse was the UFC commentary team - I mean was that meant to be Rogan and Goldie??? - no idea why the UFC have their logo on the film if they could not even provide the filmmakers with access to their actual talent. And every opponent Aldo faces looks nothing like the real guy and the fights do not playout as they did - except his fight in Manaus against Azevedo which I thought was well done especially as it gets a bit surreal.

4. The guy playing Aldo is a great actor so I've heard, but in the film he is just wrong. He looks like a man FFS. The thing that makes Aldo so awe inspiring is he was a boy. a young man who is a lightweight not a 6 foot ripped guy who doesn't share any of Aldo's physique. Props to the actor for all the training he did but FFS....

5. Does this film want to be a fucking music video? Some of the best bits are actually similar in edit to the trailer, done to music but even those are over sensationalised.

Still - it is one of the better films about MMA because it deals with real subject matter that has substance and its original in how it approaches the emotional underpinnings of Aldo's character as a man - it just chooses to be selective as to how much substance it gives to the substance! It's a film every MMA fan should watch - but they should take it with a pinch of salt to really enjoy it. I igve this film 6/10 but I wanted to give it less... but its Aldo.

Here is a little treat for you guys. This is a clip of Aldo watching the film for the first time with his wife. The film deals with not just his life but also his past transgressions with his wife so its a powerful clip

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First 100 ish
Jan 19, 2015
Seems like he should've waited until the end of his career to release a movie. What if he ends up being a pro boxer or soccer player. That shit would be worthy of the movie, but not enough to make a sequel.