Lesnar flagged by USADA

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Posting Machine
Pro Fighter
Oct 25, 2015
So, I guess GSP was right all along. His piss and blood have been kept for years already and he's he's never popped hot after the fact.

Zuffa knows when a hot test has happened and does it's best to make sure the show can still go on.

The only thing that's stopping them is the management of the other side (who should already have their guys looking into the the opponent's medicals).


TMMAC Addict
Jan 20, 2015
Hearing it's blood doping...
That would make sense, but if true they would have caught him by either non-physiologic changes in his biological profile or implied by presence of plasticizers in his blood; either way he would have been crazy to think he was going to get away with it with the new testing. The way I read the announcement I thought it implied that there was an issue with the first test he was subject to; the twould be awfully far out to be blood doping (unless they caught an unnatural drop in his hematocrit after banking blood)


TMMAC Addict
Jun 13, 2016
I'm going with some sort of diuretic. Thinking he needed help making weight.
Boring. I want it to be full on steroids just to make the wwe testing look like the sham it is. If mma is getting fucked so is wrestling.

Bad ennit. That's how my head works


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I am seeing quotes of Vince McMahon saying something to the effect of "while I respect the work USADA does for the Olympics and UFC, Brock has been tested by our independent lab more recently and was clean, and has never failed by their wellness policy. He will continue to wrestle as long as he is clean by our testing". I can't find the original source.
what do you expect, Vince is a white boy and is jacked


Posting Machine
Jan 31, 2016
Im gonna wait until this plays out first, but in the meantime....



15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
MMA fans ability to engage in profound mental gymnastics to explain away these types of things is amazing, if not so sad, I weep for humanity at some of the dumbness*...

Hey Dumbfucks*, these two guys pissed hot...

*genuinely not directed at anyone here commenting currently, just my ongoing PED observations over the years on various forums


Posting Machine
Jan 31, 2016
Brock is gonna get to the bottom of this. You guys just wait.


Posting Machine
Jan 31, 2016
Attention all Mark Hunt fans and Brock Lesnar haters, don't start the samoan dance party just yet. This is an interesting piece to the puzzle. Let's wait this bad boy out. Doesn't seem like it's simple as straight up roids.

Ryann Von Doom

The Man
Jan 28, 2015
Interesting. Heath has asthma and has an inhaler, he said he'd pop positive on their tests for it he used it at all. Crazy.

Andrewsimar Palhardass

Women, dinosaurs, and the violence of the octagon.
Jan 8, 2016
I heard someone (I think Cormier) talking about how his inhaler would make him pop but all he had to do was inform the UFC. Interesting development.

Andrewsimar Palhardass

Women, dinosaurs, and the violence of the octagon.
Jan 8, 2016
Well if that really were the case, Lesnar would at least never get away from the 'unprofessional' thing.
He would have at the very least learned his lesson about publicly damning people.

I'm not willing to let Brock of the hook until something comes out obviously. Nobody can be shocked if we find out that dude wasn't natural.