But all this raises a question. About 15 percent of the people here (including illegals) are foreign-born, but it’s 20 percent in Canada and 25 percent in Australia — the true immigration country. There are simply a lot more immigrants in those countries, and it’s not an issue there. So why is it such a big deal here?
I don’t know about Australia, but I can talk about Canada, since I’m originally from Montreal and I’m a dual citizen. That gives me a very different perspective. I can talk about things Americans don’t have a clue about. Bagels, for instance.
Or immigration. If that’s not an issue in Canada, there’s a very simple reason. What Canada has is an immigration system Donald Trump would love.
You know what they do with illegals there? They put them on a plane and send them home. It’s not even controversial. Look, they’re not here legally so let’s enforce the law.
And that’s not even the major difference between the two countries. However bad the illegal immigration problem might be here, the legal immigration system is worse, easily the dumbest in the world. It’s so bad that the United States admits 50,000 people a year just because they’ve won a lottery. No screening whatsoever.
Cretinism doesn’t descend any lower.
The big difference between the two countries is in the preference Canadians give to immigrants who are going to make native Canadians better off. What that means is that Canada admits a lot more people on the basis of economic merit.
What it wants are people who are going to start out as givers, not takers. It’s wrong to distinguish between American givers and takers, but it’s just fine to distinguish between would-be immigrant givers and takers.
Canada prefers younger immigrants, people who are educated, people who want to go to places where there are labor shortages, people who are going to start businesses in Canada and hire Canadians.
In absolute numbers, Canada actually admits more immigrants under economic categories than the United States does — about 160,000 a year in Canada versus 140,000 a year here. Remarkably, a country one-tenth the size of the United States takes in more people who promise to make the native-born better off.
By contrast, the American system is geared toward family reunification, which systematically advantages countries from which recent arrivals have emigrated. In other words, Mexico and not Ireland.
Now don’t get me wrong. Family is important. But in an age of Skype and cheap airfare it’s not like the old days. Back then, it used to be the long goodbye when you left the old sod. Now it’s anything but, and I say this as one who used to visit my mother in Canada six times a year till she passed away (at age 104).
Trump says he wants a wall to keep out the illegals, but one with a big door for immigrants who are going to make Americans better off. I’m waiting for the details, but if he’s looking for a model he could do worse than look to the Great White North.
I can hear people objecting that I’m a little short on compassion. I have an answer for them. People who want to admit immigrants who will make Americans worse off aren’t showing compassion for the illegals. They’re showing a lack of compassion for Americans, and a desire for cheap maids and gardeners.
Besides, when you have sensible policies for regular immigrants, you can then have a generous refugee program, as Canada does. Start caring a bit more about our own people, and America’s legendary compassion for others will come roaring back.
3D chess confirmed.Daily Show gets BTFO. Guess that's why they are missing the Emmy nom these days
View: https://twitter.com/TheDailyShow/status/755601024908300288?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
View: https://twitter.com/TomLlamasABC/status/755609951834222593
View: https://twitter.com/BrettLoGiurato/status/755607692354420736?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
^ Including Melania speech imo.
No time for sleep when there is work to be done. We're trying to MAGA, aren't we?wtf its like 2am. ur up this late shitposting?
wtf its like 2am. ur up this late shitposting?
You ever smoked reefer Doc?I sleep 4 hours a night. Don't smoke, don't do drugs, eeassyyy on the alcohol!
Nope. Never smoked anything.You ever smoked reefer Doc?
Sleepy doc woke up, I see.
I might have to rethink my assignations.Nope. Never smoked anything.
For you, I will smoke anything.I might have to rethink my assignations.
I want you to meet up with the @Alienator asap. You can trust him and his stash.For you, I will smoke anything.
This is a guy trying to spin a misstep in the campaign. Trump has shocked the hell out of me with his success, but no. Melania's speech didn't steal from Michelle's as an intentional political move. There is no way he will let his wife take that hit in the name of publicity. Do people really think that that speech made Melania look more like a first lady, or even associated with the office?