Richard Perez says Diaz was drugged for GSP fight

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Apr 18, 2015

Nick Diaz claims to have been 'drugged' before his bout against Georges St-Pierre, and his coach gave more details on the situation.

When talking about his 2013 title bout against Georges St-Pierre, Nick Diaz has mentioned numerous times that the former long time champion didn't make weight for their contest. Interestingly enough, in a more recent interview, Nick claims that "somebody freakin' drugged me" before that bout as well.

Not many people understood what he meant at the time, but boxing coach Richard Perez did share more details about it in a recent appearance with Submission Radio.

"Oh yeah, yeah, I remember that," Perez said. "Yeah I was there, and it was Georges St. Pierre’s nurse or something, came down and he wanted to give Nick some kind of stuff. And I told Nick not to do it, but he gave it to him. So that’s what he’s talking about."

"I don’t know what it was. I’m not saying that it was a drug or anything, but I just know that he looked different (in the fight)."

"He said he worked with Georges St-Pierre," Perez recalled. "It was just through an IV."

Whatever it was, Perez says it had an effect on Nick.

"Of course, because he was up all night urinating. I mean he wasn’t feeling good because he was going to the bathroom a lot. I mean, I don’t know what it did, but I know he was going to the bathroom a lot, so it probably dehydrated him and drained him."

"I don’t know, but I just know I was sitting there and the guy wanted to give him something. I don’t know what it was for. I told him no, but he said it wouldn’t even hurt him. It was strange."

Was Nick Diaz drugged? Coach says Georges St-Pierre's 'nurse' gave him something


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
So Nick, a vegan that is super diligent about his diet, training, supplements, etc is going to allow his opponents "nurse" to inject him with an IV full of "something" because "it will make him feel good".....

Yeah, I'm gonna have to call bullshit on that.


First 100 ish
Jan 19, 2015
"Oh yeah, yeah, I remember that," Perez said. "Yeah I was there, and it was Georges St. Pierre’s nurse or something, came down and he wanted to give Nick some kind of stuff. And I told Nick not to do it, but he gave it to him. So that’s what he’s talking about."
He??? I thought it was a nurse? Woman are Nurses, Men are Doctors. This has to be some type of misprint.


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
I bet it was "MALE NURSE!" that GSP took on TUF with him, that dude is a shitbird and NM ha some dirt on him for being a shady EMT in ABQ


Feb 24, 2015
First GSP drinks some mysterious watermelon juice that makes him deathly ill after the weigh-ins, now Nick Diaz was slipped a mickey by some Canadian nurse...allegedly. Nick would've been better off focusing the media's attention on the lack of drug testing and George missing weight for title fight, but instead he's becoming his own disinformation agent.



"Sim sala bim bamba sala do saladim"
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I wish someone woulda drugged me during it. Fight was boring as shit.
That's because Nick was lethargic from being drugged!

They took advantage of his trusting nature and child-like curiosity.

Howard Moon

Posting Machine
Sep 6, 2015
Are we talking about a nurse, or a Nurse?

Could this be the evil, greasegate Phil Nurse, either dressed up in scrubs, or(and this is my favorite) wearing a black top hat and twirling his mustache, while forcing drugs on Nick?


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Are we talking about a nurse, or a Nurse?

Could this be the evil, greasegate Phil Nurse, either dressed up in scrubs, or(and this is my favorite) wearing a black top hat and twirling his mustache, while forcing drugs on Nick?
Thats immediately who I thought of. The guy obviously can't be trusted.


Given out tokes like it ain't no thing
Oct 24, 2015
Kos wasn't taking shit from a male nurse much less an IV.



Jun 2, 2016
First GSP drinks some mysterious watermelon juice that makes him deathly ill after the weigh-ins, now Nick Diaz was slipped a mickey by some Canadian nurse...allegedly. Nick would've been better off focusing the media's attention on the lack of drug testing and George missing weight for title fight, but instead he's becoming his own disinformation agent.

Give me all those drugs and those 2 also lol