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Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
my bad, that sounded dickish. didn't mean it that way.
No prob. Didn't take it that way. I'm not really a Trump fanboy per se. I just despise Hillary.

that vid is another example of Byrd explaining how he was ignorant & how his mama helped him realize the way again. learn from our mistakes, can't go to heaven if you hate anybody, etc. you & I might not believe it, but on the surface it doesn't really prove anything unless Hillary praised his KKK days. could be a backfire if she praised his transformation.

re: nigger, he says "there are white niggers, I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time if you want to use that word.."

I see it used as more of a derogatory word than racist. could be wrong, but isn't a nigger by definition someone who is used by society?
The word nigger fits only one context. Doesn't matter the intentions behind the word.


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
What the Facebook “Liberal Bias” Controversy Is Really About, and Why It Isn’t Going Away

For Twitter - Shutting down known right leaning accounts while leaving accounts on the left active for the same/similar comments. Milo for example. I don't care enough to find sources for this. you win

Facebook Suspended These Libertarian Groups and Won’t Explain Why

Being Libertarian and Occupy Democrats Logic, two popular libertarian Facebook groups, were suspended last week for reasons unknown. Facebook later restored the groups, but still isn't explaining what happened. BuzzFeed News contacted a Facebook spokesperson, who confirmed that the groups were taken down "in error." The spokesperson offered no further clarifications.

Facebook is a private company—a distinction I make frequently when writing about allegations of censorship, because it matters. You have the right to complain about your mistreatment at the hands of a social media giant, but you don't have the right to anything else.

That being said, Facebook—like Twitter—markets itself as a place where the speech rules are uniform. It claims that it does not discriminate against certain speech, unless the content of that speech violates its community standards. Both companies ought to be more careful that libertarians and conservatives are as welcome to express their opinions as liberals are.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I'm a block away, security is nuts.
Trump is anti-establishment, that's just fact.
He wants to play ball with Putin rather than send us to WW3 while the establishment hides in bunkers in New Zealand and elsewhere.
I happen to be wearing my Rand Paul 2020 shirt, but for the first time in 16 years, I 'm voting for "not the other guy".
The Bush's and Clinton's should move to Oklahoma and duke it out in a tornado and leave us Americans alone.


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
I'm a block away, security is nuts.
Trump is anti-establishment, that's just fact.
He wants to play ball with Putin rather than send us to WW3 while the establishment hides in bunkers in New Zealand and elsewhere.
I happen to be wearing my Rand Paul 2020 shirt, but for the first time in 16 years, I 'm voting for "not the other guy".
The Bush's and Clinton's should move to Oklahoma and duke it out in a tornado and leave us Americans alone.
I don't now man.

putting Rudy Giuliani in charge of an anti-terrorism or Sessions heading national security, mentioning John Bolton as Sec of State & Richard Haas as your foreign policy advisor, taking on Mike Pence, surrounding yourself with the likes of Christie & Corker, working with Manafort & Stone, meetings with the CFR, taking Mnuchin's money & pandering to Adelson doesn't sound very anti-establishment. also seems consistent with his wanting to expand the MIC & NSA.

why would he endorse McCain over Ward (endorsed by Dr. Paul) or Paul Ryan?


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
also, I know you're a Rand guy (respect), why did Trump try so hard to get Rand out of the race first? then, after he dropped to focus on the senate, why did Trump continue to slam him & try to help Rand lose his senate seat? if anyone followed, it was like Gray & Trump were colluding (doubt it, but Gray sure capitalized on it)

I would think an anti-establishment candidate would be behind someone like Rand Paul.