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Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
even r/politics is covering this story and letting the comments run amuck. that's a wrap for Hillary. Trump would have to have something really serious happen between now and the election otherwise he wins a landslide

Deleted member 1

The failing ny times on Hillary...

She’s not a comedian, definitely not a dancer, not even someone who can — unlike her husband — look authentically excited amid a shower of balloons. The bitch in dark glasses and pursed lips who became an internet sensation, the bitch who sighed and brushed invisible lint from her shoulders while being grilled on Benghazi, the bitch who cares deeply about winning and doesn’t care who knows it — that’s the candidate we need.


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
The failing ny times on Hillary...

She’s not a comedian, definitely not a dancer, not even someone who can — unlike her husband — look authentically excited amid a shower of balloons. The bitch in dark glasses and pursed lips who became an internet sensation, the bitch who sighed and brushed invisible lint from her shoulders while being grilled on Benghazi, the bitch who cares deeply about winning and doesn’t care who knows it — that’s the candidate we need.
Not gonna lie, it moved

Deleted member 1

From Hillary's official website!!!

Donald Trump, Pepe the frog, and white supremacists: an explainer

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Donald Trump, Pepe the frog, and white supremacists: an explainer

That cartoon frog is more sinister than you might realize.

September 12, 2016 by Elizabeth Chan

Over the weekend, Donald Trump’s son and one of his closest advisers posted an odd photo on their social media accounts:

This raised some important questions.

Why is there a frog standing directly behind Trump?
That’s Pepe. He’s a symbol associated with white supremacy.

Wait. Really? White supremacy?
That’s right.

Please explain.
Here’s the short version: Pepe is a cartoon frog who began his internet life as an innocent meme enjoyed by teenagers and pop stars alike.

But in recent months, Pepe’s been almost entirely co-opted by the white supremacists who call themselves the “alt-right.” They’ve decided to take back Pepe


Let me get this straight: Trump’s presidential campaign is posting memes associated with white supremacy online?

But it’s just his son and one of his closest advisers, right?

Just curious: Who else is in this photo?
Notably, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who believes the government was behind the 9/11 (and that Newtown was “completely fake”), and Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos, whose racism and bigotry is so egregious that Twitter banned him from using their site.

This is horrifying.

Deleted member 1

Her campaign edited the Pepe wiki

In 2016, Pepe became associated with Donald Trump's presidential campaign, white nationalismand the alt-right movement.[11][12]



15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
Pepe is a cartoon frog who began his internet life as an innocent

OH GOD, did they really?

so amazing, her campaign is led by a bunch of rather young folks, do they really have no idea what they are doing here???

its like they are having the 80 year olds on staff handle the meme/internet stuff


15 events before the end of 2016 - YOU'RE WELCOME!
Mar 23, 2016
Her campaign edited the Pepe wiki

In 2016, Pepe became associated with Donald Trump's presidential campaign, white nationalismand the alt-right movement.[11][12]


they are going to remove it completely and pretend they never mentioned 'him', I bet they are getting deluged with feedback by their own people about this